
Undergrad Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Computer usage has evolved significantly from just browsing, to using it on a daily basis. Acquiring knowledge to contribute to this field has been my greatest motivation. It is evident that a person should never stop learning and here I am wanting to pursue the same, and contribute to the field that makes our life a lot easier. I want to keep up with constantly evolving trends. Finding answers to the most intriguing questions gave me the passion to seriously consider taking this subject as major in my undergrad studies. I want to build upon my foundation from undergrad courses, and improve further. My undergraduate education has helped me with grasping the fundamentals. What I am looking for now is a platform to use these basics and gain a vast knowledge further. The courses I learnt in undergrad such as Design and Analysis of algorithms, Discrete mathematics, Operating systems, have helped me to acquire solid foundation. I have been consistent in my academics throughout. I believe that one should be able to master expertise in particular field by grasping the complexities of the subject. …show more content…

As part of my final year project, my team implemented gait recognition in MATLAB. Currently I am working as Associate Software Engineer at Robert Bosch Engineering and Buisness Solutions for Car Mutlimedia, developing applications part of the HMI layer. The new skills and knowledge that I have gained from my wokplace contribute a lot to my persona. The exposure and experience I got helped me make right career decisions. Working in projects has made me realize the importance of teamwork, team effort and also to choose the right approach to solve a

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