
Underground Man Is Plagued By The Proponents Of A Society

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Underground Man is plagued by the proponents of a society which thrives on reason and rationality. The idea that behind every question and thought there lies a calculated and precise answer that is highly valued in the face of society. The societal expectation of being extraordinarily rational is referred to as the “Palace of Crystal” by Underground Man, here there is no room for the five senses only room for contemplation. Though this level of breadth and rationality correlates with an excess in consciousness, as one always has to think about things at a level which is unimaginable to most. The latter leading to not only indecision, but also self doubt, and over analyzation of normally simple situations. As a side effect of the enlightened mindset of society, Underground Man develops an excess consciousness in which his pride directly leads to his break with Liza and the consequences that stem from that break. The intense need of utilitarian societies to codify rational human behavior results in the ignoring of the complex nature of human beings as seen with Underground Man. The societal call for the maximization of utility, being useful, profitable or beneficial, invites one to turn to intense reason and truth in order to discover the right thing. Underground Man developed this severe nature in which he knew that in order, “[…]to understand anything, to see everything and to see it often incomparably more clearly than our most realistic minds see it; [was] to refuse to

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