
Underground Railroad Outline

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Tam Do Mrs. Meador English I Pre-IP – Period 2 9/10/2015 HISTORY Event: the Underground Railroad Date: 1800s Description: The Underground Railroad was a network of people working together to free slaves from the South during the 1800s. They would go into the South, get as many slaves as they can, and risk their life to get them to a safe house. After they are hid in a safe house for a bit, they would be sent to another safe house. This will be repeated until the slaves become free when they get into the North or Canada. The person that was conducting the Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave that had come back to slavery to help others. Along with other abolitionists, Quakers, and other people that thought slavery …show more content…

When Germany lost and surrendered, he was devastated but he obtained more pride in his country. He believed Germany was betrayed by some of its leaders. After the war, he went back to his normal life but started to make his way into organizations and the government. He didn’t want Germany to be ran by the same leaders again. He got more attention. He was getting closer to leading a country. He didn’t just want his thoughts to be known; he wanted them to become reality. He ran for president but he didn’t win. He got the position of chancellor though so he started to use that power to start making his thoughts and dreams for Germany come true. After some time of hard work, he became dictator and had all the power to make his wishes real. With his determination, he caused the Holocaust and World War II. Without his efforts, none of those events would’ve …show more content…

During the drive to Dallas, I was in the passenger seat with my cousin driving. My cousin and my uncle would always fight about who would drive. My cousin does this because he cares for his dad so much, and he is always afraid of his dad pushing himself too far so that nobody has to drive. He has done this many times on trips but the Dallas drive was the one that I saw my cousin caring the most. Because of me being in the passenger’s seat, I had helped my cousin drive all the way to Dallas because he didn’t want his dad to do it. With the Destin trip, he did it again, but less this time. He had drove over half of the way to Destin (around 8 hours). They evened fought for who would drive back to Houston the most with an arm wrestle (my cousin won). He taught me how to care for your loved ones when they have an issue or a

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