For some college students, the weekends and weeknights call for studying and time with your friends. However, for other college students, their weekends and weeknights are filled with work.
Whether it be in a dining hall, an arena, or a laundry room, the students that embark in federally-granted work study are some of the hardest working students on college campuses. However, the problem is that work-study students are usually vastly underpaid and sometimes even find themselves running out of their federal stipend by the end of the school year.
“I work almost every weekend, but it still feels like I am falling short.” Mike Strazik, a biology major at Quinnipiac said, “I just wish there were higher paying jobs on campus.”
According to the 2011–12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:12), only six percent of college students do work study,
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Most Quinnipiac University students find themselves picking up shifts at one of the food establishments on campus, the athletic-laundry rooms, or holding mundane desk jobs at the university's offices that are scattered around the three campuses. However, Strazik struck gold, landing one of the most revered work-study jobs on campus ,working in the Sports and Information department with Quinnipiac Athletics.
“I got lucky plain and simple. I had friends working in the department and they told their boss, Ken Sweeten, and I was brought on almost immediately,” Strazik said, “But I couldn’t imagine where I would be if I didn’t have friends already in jobs in the departments.”
The next struggle is the pay. Most work-study students are given minimum-wage paying jobs regardless of the job itself. For college students, the $10-an-hour pay, Connecticut’s minimum wage, usually only affords them around $150 dollars in a two-week pay period. For someone who lives off campus, like Strazik, it can be
Alene Semuels is a writer for The Atlantic, and formerly wrote for The Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The author's purpose for writing this article was to inform college students and the public about opportunities to work while in college. Also it shows college students that working a full time job might not be the wisest thing to do while attending college full time. When this article was written, there was a new trend beginning to arise. In 2015, Georgetown University did a study of students who worked while in college. They found that 70 percent of students were employed while in college and 25 percent of those students are working full time while simultaneously going to college full time. Both the Chicago Tribune and CNBC wrote articles about the findings in the Georgetown study. Putting these things together, Semuels felt persuaded to talk about the topic from two
In the event corresponding federal agencies deny financial aid to a potential recipient, they still may become eligible for one of the many non-federal work-study programs offered throughout the country at different institutions. Similar to federal programs, these encourage students to seek employment in fields related to their academic studies whenever possible. And while jobs on-campus offer convenient logistics for the student, no such guarantee exists in meeting those accommodations.
Neill provides data on the increase of amount of students working full-time and part-time jobs during their education. She shows how this has been increasing since the 1970’s and more students are having to work while attending college to pay for expenses. This source also helps demonstrate how a shrinking middle class is affecting college students because low-income students need to work during college. It also provides more evidence on how increasing tuition is affecting students in general.
My major of study at the University was Dental Laboratory Technology/ Technician. 79% of students that go to the University of Scranton graduate within 6 years. I played field hockey in college and in my early mornings I studied for my classes. As a part-time job in the summer after field hockey practice, I work at McDonalds’ with my
Many students try to avoid being in college debt by working full time in addition to being a full time student. This is not a bad idea, but it is a rough battle because they are trying to make a certain amount of money per week to pay their bills and still in need of time to study. This works out for some students, but not for all. Some students that take part in this role end up with a low GPA or even dropping out of college. The states have noticed the increase of college students in debt after graduating. Therefore, to avoid this they’ve created a work-study program. The work-study program consists of students working part-time while they attend school. The money that they are making is going towards their college loans, or the tuition itself as a
There are many downsides about college that students don’t realize. Heidi Shierholz, writer of “New College Grads Losing Ground on Wages”, has found that college graduate’s income has adjusted for inflation and still decreased (Source C). Why would you
In the competitive world today, having a college degree might not benefit a student as much as before, thus opening up numerous questions concerning its necessity. Not only is the number of students desperately trying to enroll in college increasing, but the tuition shoots up as well. However, will college enrollment necessarily be enough to increase your chances of attaining job security? The answer is hotly debated amongst adults and students alike, which opens up the second option for students, that is, joining the work force. Although this option is generally shunned by the new generation, the tough economy and slow restoration makes it quite a desirable choice at the moment. Joining the work force is a hard decision to make as it
One reason i believe students should be able to spend more time with friends on the weekend is because you need breaks from your parents . Parents can irritate you by coming in to your room every 30 min. telling you to clean up something. They also can ask you a plethora of questions asking about your friends and school life. Sometimes you simply don’t want to talk about it. According to Robert Von Nordheim “ Friendship can increase your sense of belonging and purpose, boost your happiness reduce stress , improve self worth and help you cope with traumas “. Things happen during the week like drama’s with friends, lots of homework , and taking & studying for test. Those things can cause stress and friends are the best people to help you relieve that stress. In addition to reading a break from parents , I believe students should
• Students are increasingly likely to work while in college. Since 1984, the fraction of
Working college students can also suffer outside of classes and the workplace. For example my schedule illustrates the conflicts of trying to take on too many duties. Since I work nights during the week, the weekends are a more convenient time that I can study. Because I have to use my weekends to do school work, I can’t do other things. My apartment is a mess since I have no time to clean it. Worse, my girlfriend is threatening to leave me because I have no social life. We never even go out like we once used to now when she comes over, I am too busy studying. However the rewards of earning a college degree in this economy can be the difference between having
With the cost of college nowadays, you almost have to be rich to finish without working at least part of the time. When I came to New Jersey from India, I thought it would be easy to get a computer science degree and pursue the career of my choice. It turned out to be much harder than I expected. Working full-time and taking much more than two years, but I have discovered that you can turn the problem of working full-time while attending college into a big opportunity to improve your life.
3. Managing time can be quite stressful for anyone as busy as the modern day college student. Many students lose sleep or feel as if they just don’t have enough time to accomplish what they need to accomplish.
Most university students feel the necessity of working since they would like to have their own money in order to be independent from their parents. It is not the exception for International students because they also feel the necessity of working to be independent from their parents or whoever is responsible for them. However, for international students to work in the United States it is very difficult because they are only allowed to work on campus. These kinds of jobs are very limited since some of the campuses in which they study are very small. Also for an international student to find a job on campus is difficult because people prefer to employee an American student who is not going to have any problem speaking the language. For example, last semester a friend from Venezuela who is studying at Miami Dade College decided that he wanted to get a job in order to have his own money. He went to
most students, I work two jobs to pay bills and tuition. Fortunately, I have been blessed
In college life, students face many pressures. One of my biggest stressors was keeping my student scholarship. After coming in to college with a 3.3 grade point average, I knew that keeping a 3.0 in college, for my scholarship, was going to be a challenge that I had not yet experienced. This caused me to work even harder and sometimes even too hard. The scholarship played a large factor in choosing Baldwin Wallace as my school of choice, so retaining my reward is of the utmost importance to both me personally, and my parents financially. As I began classes I realized that the work load seemed a lot larger than high school, and sometimes as if it were never going to end. I soon realized how to balance my time between school work and making grades, as well as meeting new people and having fun. There are many enjoyable things that make college the great experience it has been so far, so finding an equilibrium of hard work and good times has been one the best new attributes I have