
Underrepresentation In Education

Decent Essays

Underrepresentation Minorities are not being represented in AP classes as much as they should be. The statistics show that a range of causes are leading to these problems. According to Access to Success, large, suburban, predominantly non-minority, public schools are more likely to offer the AP program than their low income, minority majority school counterparts. (Handwerk, Tognatta, Coley, & Gitomer, 2008) The location of schools and the population directly affects the student’s chances.
Research done by Denisa Superville, a staff writer at Education Week, shows that there are approximately 640,000 high school students across the country who are capable of taking AP classes but are not enrolled in them. Fewer than one percent of schools …show more content…

Ducommun Professor of Education at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, stated that poor students and those of color are more likely to be taught by inexperienced and underqualified teachers because of the No Child Left Behind Act. (2006, p.16) Gina Diorio, the director of media relations at Commonwealth Foundation came to find that the No Child Left Behind Act seeks to provide quality education and to close the achievement gap for minority, low income students, and their peers. Many critics claim that this law encourages a narrow curriculum and there are not enough federal funds to support it. This law has made it easier for teachers to state that they are “highly qualified” although they don’t fit those specific …show more content…

R. (2016, April 13). Can San Diego Close the Gaps in AP Participation?. Education Week (Bethesda, MD).

VanSciver, J. H. (2006). Closing the Diversity Gap in Advanced Placement Course Enrollment. Multicultural Perspectives, 8(3), 56-58. doi:10.1207/s15327892mcp0803_10

Ndura, E., Robinson, M., & Ochs, G. (2003). MINORITY STUDENTS IN HIGH SCHOOL ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES: OPPORTUNITY AND EQUITY DENIED. American Secondary Education, 32(1), 21-38.

Darling-Hammond, L., & Berry, B. (2006). Highly Qualified Teachers for All. Educational Leadership, 64(3), 14.

Whiting, G. W., & Ford, D. Y. (2009). Black Students and Advanced Placement Classes: Summary, Concerns, and Recommendations. Gifted Child Today, 32(1), 23-26.

Diorio, G. L. (2015). No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Research Starters: Education (Online Edition),
Handwerk, P., Tognatta, N., Coley, R J., Gitomer, D H., (2008).

The College Board. (2003). A Brief History of the Advanced Placement Program. Retrieved from

Educational Testing System. (2008). Access to Success: Patterns of Advanced Placement Participation in U.S. High Schools. Princeton, NJ: Handwerk, P., Tognatta, N., Coley, R J., Gitomer, D

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