Hailey Allbaugh
A lot of people don’t care to understand others. People look at others and judge them based on how they look. They don’t care about getting to know people or their personalities. I will never understand people who go out of their way to hurt others, mentally and physically. People never care to understand the other person’s side of the story. I’ve had people accuse me of things that I either couldn’t control or didn’t do. I’m sure everyone has had people accuse them of doing things that didn’t actually happen. There are a lot of people who like to just start drama, and don’t think about the repercussions of their actions. Some people don’t even care about how others will react or respond to things.
I personally
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Things could be going on in a person’s life and unless you witnessed it, you would never know. I think it is important to remember that whenever I meet someone. It is important to respect people and be as kind as possible. I know that things can get hard to deal with after a while, and it can feel like everything is wrong in your life at times.
If people could be more understanding and kind, it could help these situations. A simple smile or “hi” as you walk by could mean everything to someone with a mental disease, or a person with a bad home life. It could make a person feel so much better about their day. I know if something small happens to me, I think about it all day because of my anxiety. I analyze the small thing that happened until my head hurts and I end up having a panic attack. However, if someone does something simple and kind towards me, I think about it for the rest of the day, and it really does help.
I really think people could be more understanding of others. People shouldn’t judge others based on how they look, or things they can’t control. Their personality should be what others look at. People should be kind, caring and compassionate towards others. A simple gesture of kindness is all it
If I could resolve any inequities in my community it would be for everyone to treat everyone the same, sure if we lived in a perfect world that would happen,
Often times, many forget to be kind to one another. When we are performing out our daily activities we forget to think about other people. Individuals can be naturally selfish or self- centered. There are multiple obstacles working against our being kind to one another. Our own success being one of them. We must remember to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person, in order to understand the issues in front of us. It is not easy to become detached ourselves from how we usually are nor how we are born, but it is imperative that we try to ensure a brighter future.
The short story"Aha Moment" by Julia Alvarez demonstrates that the point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on. The story expresses the idea that simple acts of kindness can make a great impact on people both mentally and physically. It can turn frightening and tense situations into assurance and aplomb. In paragraph 8, it is stated," no one screamed,no one panicked. I could hear small pockets of soothing conversation everywhere." By holding the hands and by chatting about everyday life, the passengers emboldened each other and created an optimistic atmosphere. The author points out,"someone was comforting me and kept asking me,'Are you okay?" According to Julia if someone does something good and beneficial for you, you should pass
I don’t think many people truly take the time to appreciate the kindness they are given. For others, I believe they should understand how meaningful their compassion is.
Our connection and interdependence to others is such an essential and imperative idea for us, as human beings, to comprehend. When one harms or is indifferent towards another person, one will be ultimately harming one self. For instance, when one person decides to completely ignore an individual who is homeless on the street in a city, that person thinks that their indifference is neither helping nor harming. This is in fact is not only harming the homeless individual but it is also negatively impacting the person who decided to maliciously ignore the homeless man. This homeless man will suffer the consequences of illness, and will eventually have to be taken to the emergency room for an
Kindness comes in different forms, that can alter someone's day instantly. In “Enrique's Journey”, he witnesses kindness from several people in his time of ultimate weakness. Kindness in my life may not be that extreme, but it is appreciated. Even though giant acts of kindness aren't as prevalent as
gives them a feeling of power, which would make them want to create more accusations. In
But, a smile can make all the change. A compliment can be the difference between life and death. People these days are so good at hiding everything, so if you ask them about their day, It is a good conversation starter and it is a good way to let them know that you care. even a small gesture such as helping them with groceries or lending a dollar or two can show them that people out there are good, and do care. I had an instance back when I was a freshman. I was having a hard day because of a great a teacher gave me on a homework assignment and slouched around the entire school day. as I was at my locker grabbing my jacket and my books, a boy walked up to me and begin a conversation. he was a former best friend of mine and we had not talked for over 2 years. even though we only spoke about three sentences, I had a smile on my face the entire way home and I told everybody about what happened. so that same experience enjoy that I felt can be shared amongst many. I am sure he was not aware of the way he made me feel but nobody ever is. Your goal should not be to make somebody happy for something in exchange, your goal should to be to make people happy just because it is genuinely a nice thing to do and you can hope to make a new friend out of it. plus, nothing is the same as the joy of making somebody's
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.”
Sanders, Frankland and Wilkins. (2009) Next Steps in Counselling Practice. 2nd Edition: Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books Ltd
We should teach one another not to embrace excuses but to embrace solutions. I want someone to look at me and say because of you I made a better choice. The world is full of pain and suffering BUT it's also full of positive people making a difference. No matter how small.
* One thing is always sure when you 're a nice person; people will tend to reciprocate in your time of need because as individuals, we 're bound to face challenges, disappointments and looses at some point in our lives. When you 've been nice to others during their struggles, it 's more likely they will return the favor during your hard times. That is just human nature, most of us feel really motivated to help those that have helped us, i am a very sure bet in this regard. It’s an aspect of me that i strive to do more often because i feel that individual has slightly changed my world with his acts of kindness. This is significantly valuable and it makes us feel important which is something we all want as individuals.
People in society need to realize that people did not make their selves and that the person
I have found that over the years, sometimes, people just would like someone to be kind or nice to them, sometimes to just speak a kind word or two to them. It is amazing when you truly go out and seek to find the lost, just how many people there truly is out there that have Never known what Jesus and His love are really all about. Sometimes when I feel down or depressed and just not having a good day, I go and look for someone that I know for a fact has less than we do and maybe are homeless. And I try to talk to them sometimes all it takes is a smile and just a friendly word to gain their curiosity. Then they do not mind talking to you.
Being kind is another advantageous tip on how to live a happy and healthy life. Committing ourselves to be sympathetic to others along with to ourselves brings a new pinnacle of joy and gusto to us.