
Understand Person-Centred Approaches in Adult Social Care Settings

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CT300 1.1. Define person-centred values Person-centred values: -treating people as individuals -supporting people to access their rights -supporting people to exercise choice -making sure people have privacy if they want it -supporting people to be as independent as possible -treating people with dignity and respect -recognising that working with people is a partnership rather than a relationship controlled by professionals Person-centred care has its focus on the person with an illness and not on the disease in the person. To achieve truly person-centred care we need to understand how the individual experiences his or her situation if we are to understand their behaviours and symptoms. This requires in-depth …show more content…

They will tell you about their lives, needs and wishes. Some people have problems with communicating so you can always read their care plan, ask your colleagues or just talk to the family. 2.2. Describe how to take into account the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual when planning care and support. In my work role I: • Provide Home Care to individuals, taking into account the history, preferences, wishes and needs of the individual and identified needs • Provide Care including general counselling, personal hygiene and Meals tailored preferences, wishes and needs of the individual • Take individuals to appointments and activities • Assist with exercises, physiotherapy and other medical and care plans • Monitor wellbeing and other physical conditions, as required • Follow medical and care instructions carefully and consistently • Organize time and resources based on the individual needs of clients • Manage any unanticipated events or unstable situations • Administer Care Plan in order to ensure that it is delivered in an appropriate, caring and respectful manner • Ensure that care is provided according to all relevant policies, procedures and regulations • Monitor supplies and resources • Identify individual’s requiring more interventions and personal input • Listen to the individual, take their views into

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