
Understanding Chi-Square Test through Excel Sheet

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Table sorted from spreadsheet data EMBED Excel.Sheet.8 State hypotheses: Ho : Work Type and Ethnicity are independent. (null hypothesis) Ha : Work Type and Ethnicity are not independent. (alternate hypothesis) Conduct chi-square test of independence at 0.05 significance level: α = 0.05 Calculate degrees of freedom: Number of rows = 2 Number of columns = 6 Degrees of freedom (df) = (Number of rows - 1) x (Number of columns - 1) = (2 -1) x (6 -1) = 1 x 5 = 5 Calculate the expected frequencies from actual data: EMBED Excel.Sheet.8 Calculate the chi-square statistic using both actual and expected frequency tables: In excel, the cursor was placed in cell D17 and the formula of chi test typed as: =CHITEST(actual frequency range, expected frequency range) =CHITEST(B4:G5, B13:G14) , as shown in the formula bar above The result gives, the calculated chi-square probability, p = 0.04285 Look up the Chi-Square value, χ2 from chi-square distribution tables for df = 5 and α = 0.05 χ2 = 11.1 from tables Now we need to check whether or not the calculated chi-square probability, p is less than or equal to α = 0.05 OR the Chi-Square value, χ2 from chi-square distribution tables is equal to or greater than α = 0.05. If p α OR χ2 α, we reject the null hypothes is and conclude that at the 0.05 significance level, there is a relationship between the row variables and column variables. Since p = 0.04285 < α = 0.05 (OR χ2 = 11.1 > α = 0.05) we conclude

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