
Understanding Consumers ' Perception Of Digital Branding

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Part 1 Demographics The age is firstly included. Though the target respondents are Chinese young consumers, the researcher still want to have a further look at the difference between different age intervals of the young group. The gender is expected to be recorded because male consumers may have different attitudes towards luxury digital branding with female consumers. Also, the region of living is included since the economy conditions as well as the engagement of digital technologies are different in cities of different tiers. In addition, the education level will be specified the five general degree which are high school, college degree, Bachelor’s, Master, and Doctoral degree, which may affect their understanding in digital branding. Finally, the frequency of luxury consumption is included as one of the measurements of consumers’ involvement in digital fashion branding. Part 2 Perception of Digital branding Questions in this part are set to understand consumers’ perception of digital branding. Q6 and Q7 help to identify which platform (online or offline) is frequently used by the respondents. Then, Q8 ‘On a scale of 1 (I know nothing about it) to 7 (I know it very well), in what level do you know about digital branding?’ would require the respondents to rate how much they know about the digital branding. The result of this question is important in determining the overall digital branding involvement of respondents. Q9 and Q19 are included to capture the respondents’

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