For my leadership rubric I choose diversity. Understanding the diversity of a group is essential to creating a productive organization. Each person brings a history, culture, and a set of beliefs that shaped them into who they are now. These differences should be celebrated, because differences are what help organizations accomplish positive change. The way I approach leading is heavily focused on how I treat my followers. This is why I focus on understanding how each one is unique. Understanding diversity is an important concept that I try to consider when working with a group. After considering the diversity rubric this is my evaluation on how I currently preform. In addition I had Garrett Medellin look at the diversity rubric and make his …show more content…
He discusses that I take other peoples values and beliefs into consideration when working and planning out an activity for the group. Through my search for knowledge I have made my own opinions, using the information that I have gathered. I hold fast to my beliefs once I make an informed decision. This means that I am attached to my view system. The major issue that I run into is that I am not accepting of the views of a person if I think that their ideals threaten the rights of an outside group. For example I am not as willing to accept the beliefs of those who cannot accept gay marriage. I am aware that these people have their own experiences and background that justifies their decision, but their views should not marginalize a different group. If I believe that everyone has a right to their own beliefs then I need to become more open-minded to those whom I consider close minded. In order to correct this fault I need to not place these groups into the categories of right and wrong Instead just consider them as a difference of opinions. When talking to those who share a different opinion then I will try to approach the discussion using facts that are as unbiased as I can possible provide. At some point I must realize that I am not able to change their mind, but at least get those with a differing view …show more content…
I grew up not being as exposed to the world of diversity. This is why I decided on level three, questioning and self-exploration. At this point I am aware of all the information that I lack on certain subjects. Because of this revelation I actively search out information about race, religion, sexual orientation, gender spectrum and general opinions over commonly discussed issues. I believe that in this globalized world people do need to become more aware of the differences in people in order to embrace humanity as a whole. The next step to becoming more culturally aware is to continue to gather more information. On the other hand Garrett was more generous and decided that I am in level five, validation of diversity. He believes that I already have enough understanding of different beliefs and practices. He describes how I take other people into consideration when working with and talking to others. I appreciate his insight into how he views my knowledge of cultural awareness. Before I am willing to agree with Garrett I know that there is more information to know. I will agree with Socrates when he says “One thing I know is that I know nothing”.
When interacting with others Garrett and I both agree that I fall into level five, validation. I support the ideas and concepts that others add to the discussion based on their different backgrounds.
•Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways of
This artifact was a written final exam analyzing issues relating to leadership and diversity in the course Leadership in Multicultural Organizations. This artifact demonstrates knowledge, comprehension, and analysis of the concepts and theories of leadership, issues of diversity in organizations, and strategies for managing differences among today’s multicultural workforce. I selected this artifact because it discusses and describes the link between leadership approaches and diversity and it compares and contrasts current leadership practices in the United States (US).
The concept of diversity is one that individuals may not think of when they think of nursing. Diversity is a major component to nursing and the care that is provided to patients. In this concept analysis, antecedent, attributes and consequences of diversity are identified. The following antecedents are: race, social economy, knowledge, gender, and education level. The attributes of diversity are individual, variety, perception, difference and civilization. The consequences of diversity are as follows; acceptance, decision making, cultural competency qualifications, respect, degrading, trusts
Did the Age of Jim Crow ever end? Americans see “race” as a defined, indubitable feature of nature. Racism- the act of ascribing bone deep features to people to then humiliate, reduce, and destroy them- inevitably follows from this inalterable condition. White supremacist ideals, for instance, espouse unfounded ideas that revere the white man and scorn those of color, while also serving as a nonsensical justification for practices such as slavery, racial segregation, and Jim Crow. In “The Trouble with Diversity”, Walter Benn Michaels dismisses the concept and veracity behind race, as if it weren’t a societal issue worth addressing. To ignore the reality of race would be the equivalent of ignoring the plight and shared experiences of minority groups. “The Trouble with Diversity” insinuates that “diversity” is incompatible with the society we live in; this does not mean that people of color should have to encounter racial prejudices, whether in subtle or discernible ways.
It is important to understand our diversity in America because not everyone here believes or lives with the same standards. What may seem acceptable in one location, may be considered rude or offensive in another. It is also beneficial to be more knowledgeable of other people’s culture and how they interact among each other to create healthy relationships with new people. Learning about another person’s situation can also help you understand them and think less negative about others due to stereotypes. As humans we thrive when we come together, you will find that we have more in common than we do have of
Diversity allows us to understand the differing cultures throughout the world and gives us the ability to learn about the world around us. Without diversity, we are limiting ourselves to the cultural ideas and practices we’re involved in and aren’t understanding other ways of life around the world. My family from my mom and dad’s side come from many different backgrounds. My parents have taught me since I was a kid to respect everyone around me. I have members in my family who are European, African American, Native American, and likely other backgrounds that I haven’t been able to connect with yet. I also have family members who are part of the LGBT community. This diversity within my family has allowed me to learn about the different cultures
As I reflect over my life, I appreciate the many diverse experiences I’ve came to encounter. My experience with diversity dates back to birth. I am from a small rural town, Moss Point, MS. and notably the last state to abolish slavery. The town currently has a population of 13,704 people and consists of 73% Blacks or African Americans, 23% Caucasian, 1% Hispanic or Latino and 1% bi-racial.
My ideas, morals and education are an accumulation of qualities that I have obtained through my interactions with diverse people. Like picking ripe fruit on display in the supermarket, I have benefitted from the ripe perspectives of a these individuals. Differences have changed my perspectives, thoughts and decisions. Because I value the differences of others, I will enrich the diverse learning environment at the UA COM-Phoenix.
I feel that diverse representation is not only important, but also a must in order to be successful in creating a more equal and efficient leadership team. The items in this module helped reveal how the lack of diverse leadership greatly affects an individual’s self-esteem and confidence on whether or not they believe they are capable in accomplishing their dreams. In the TED talk Sheryl Sandberg revealed how woman often think that they are not capable of completing certain tasks because of their gender, but in fact they are just as capable as men and in some cases even more capable. Their lack of confidence affected their decision on whether or not they should even try certain tasks. This is why diverse leadership representation is important.
One of the eight strategic focuses I chose was “Enhance our diverse, high performance culture and workforce” (Cascio, 2009), and one of the ten diversity implications that I feel relates to that focus is “Build a workforce that understands the racial/ethnic, gender, sexual orientation and generational diversity of the marketplace” (Cascio, 2009). Aetna’s strategic focus is to create awareness among its employees, from new employees all the way to their executive employees, so that they will have an understanding of diversity and its implications of running a strategic workforce.
Diversity, in general, is important because it provides our society and culture with varying, inimitable and stimulating perspectives. There seems to have a tendency to create groups and various social strata and you find it everywhere around the world in various degree. Diversity goes beyond recognizing that we are different in measurable ways. Diversity can create new ideas and changes that can be beneficial to a society, or even the world. On a global scale, diversity is fundamental to the development of new ideas, innovation and is a critical component of being prosperous on an overall level.
The common thread that I found between all of the leadership interviews was the concept of balance. It took on different meanings for the different interviews, but the overall concept was consistent throughout. Some of the leaders focused on balance in their own person lives, and others used it more in terms of having a balanced team that would work well together. I think both of these perspectives are important for a leader to become successful.
Diversity can include race, gender, culture, religion, age, physical disabilities, height, education level, income level, geographical location, technical abilities, socioeconomic background, personality characteristics, and values (Verma, 2015). With such a vast array of possible differences among the employees within an organization, it is important that there is care put into ensuring equal treatment for all. The employees in leadership roles must have the skillset necessary to build on the skills of their subordinates. Leadership must be able to focus more on the strengths employees possess and utilize those for growth opportunities for the company. There are many positive opportunities that can come from diversity, unfortunately it can also be the cause of many
For my leadership rubric, I choose diversity. Understanding the diversity of a group is essential to creating a productive organization. Each person contributes a different history, culture, and set of beliefs that shaped them into who they are now. These differences should be celebrated because differences are what help organizations accomplish positive change.
There are many different task-related and relationship-orientated attitudes and behaviours within leadership that are important to identify in a leadership portfolio. Some of these attitudes and behaviours that I demonstrated this week consisted of concentrating on the strengths of group members, the ability to ask tough questions, giving emotional support and being a servant leader (DuBrin, 2015). Concentrating on the strengths of group members consists of drawing on current skills group members already have. This allows for individuals to thrive in setting they are comfortable in while working on an aspect they need work on. (DuBrin, 2015). I applied concentrating on the strengths of the group while working on a group paper. Dividing up