Our textbook defines professional skepticism as follows: Professional skepticism — a questioning mind and a critical examination of audit evidence. The appropriate level of professional skepticism varies depending upon the risks of the particular situation. (Arens, Elder, Beasley, & Jones, 2015, p. 67).
Now how I understand professional skepticism is as follows. I’ll commence with an example that is fresh in our minds. The article, which are final exam questions come from. It is written by the Wall Street Journal – (assuming that the table is part of the article and therefore the internet address below the table is how I concluded that). I did this by having a questioning mind set, postponement of judgement, motivational understanding of the
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This gives weight to the questioning mind where one acquires more evidence which will be suited for an informed decision. This also gives substance to important information as well as the possibility to sift through what is pertinent to the decision and what is inadmissible.
Motivational understanding: This is where one looks through the eye of the other party that is in question. In other words one has to put themselves into their shoes. What is motivating them? what will they say or do to make you see their point of view? What are they going to gain from this type of statement or assertion? Who will benefit from this information? Where will this affect my decision on the evidence? Why are they doing or stating this? How will they benefit from this? These are the types of question that I ask myself when I am reviewing or investigating the information at hand.
Independence: is another point that one should always keep in mind. How am I independent from the situation? Am I to familiar with the client or in this case the article? Have I made relationships with the article or person where it can lead me to draw a false conclusion or
In Philosophy, certain words convey specific meanings. Here, I will define these terms.The word skepticism, relates to the idea as we do not have the knowledge to be certain of anything, our beliefs become unjustifiable. A skeptical scenario has to be consistent with evidence, and if it is true then these beliefs would be unjustified. Rene Descartes “Meditations on First Philosophy” is a philsophical treatise, which is a formal written discourse on Descartes skeptical scenario. G.E. Moore’s ‘Proof of an External World’ is an essay Moore wrote. The
PCAOB describes professional skepticism as a general duty of care that needs to be applied by the auditor throughout the duration of the audit engagement. Professional skepticism involves the auditor having a clear and questioning mind regarding the assertions that are presented by management or other client personnel. The auditor is instructed to not take the words or data presented by management as sufficient and appropriate audit evidence but rather the auditor needs to thoroughly audit the evidence with a questioning mind to achieve reasonable assurance about the persuasiveness of the evidence. Skepticism is composed of three elements; auditor attributes, mindset and actions. The PCAOB
A professional is characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Being professional should be a subconscious effort in the fact that it should always be applied. When employees are professional it helps the system run more efficiently and safely. A person must me a certain criteria when being evaluated on professionalism, a person is judged based on the clients; Attitude, Values, Communication techniques, and approachability. Clients who display a committed, dependable attitude will benefit more from work exerted, and overall be rewarded with incentives. Although professionalism may be in the eye of the
Likewise, whether it is inside or outside of workplace, professionalism is required to be somewhat conscripted into the individual’s personality. These law help keep the integrity of professionals. Kelsey Granowski (2009) of Rasmussen College listed ‘four reasons you need to be a professional’. The four steps consisted of valued in the workplace which proposed that professionalism is valued at the workplace and brings benefit, professionalism to the client, employer and co-workers which emphasized that professionalism isn’t just required around the clients but around bosses and colleagues, professionalism in Your Work Product which reminds people that professionalism isn’t just displayed to people but can be depicted in your work and finally the last step was
Summary: The objective of this article is to clarify the significance of professional skepticism as an essential part of the auditor’s mindset, and to consider the reasons why approaching an audit with an attitude of professional skepticism is becoming increasingly important. The following are three case studies that will concentrate your consideration on what it takes to be a skeptical auditor when performing journal entry testing.
What does Professionalism mean to me? Professionalism in my term means it is someone who is very dedicated to their profession. It is an important and great decision to follow by the rules and ethics of professionalism. If we did not have anyone that cared about their profession it would cause a lot of problems in our society today. It could cause a lot of disruption in your workplace. In order to abide by professionalism you must take pride in your job, percieve realistic goals and values, and know what your expectations are.
Research papers are a part of every student’s life. Some students may like the research papers but the others may not. But in the end a decent research paper would be the sources that make the paper credible. A lot of articles are not credible due to some areas. The areas include: the credibility of the author, the sources that were cited throughout the paper, how reliable the content is and a reliable publisher also how current and how accessible the article is. The author would be credible by being knowledgeable about the topic being spoken about. Furthermore, for the author to be credible, the author would have to be adding some outside sources that will give the article more credibility. Not only would the sources would make the paper credible
Along with education, allowing families to observe therapy sessions can assist in reducing skepticism. In the event that an individual requires electroconvulsive therapy, many patient families become suspicious of mal-practice and patient abuse because non-medical staff is typically not permitted in the therapy room. Additionally, many families go with little or no information on the procedure before it actually happens. Sometimes all they receive from a psychiatrist is a small pamphlet, which does not always act as sufficient reassurance that the patient will be unharmed. If a family is allowed to be near their loved ones and watch psychiatrists perform the procedure, it will help reduce any suspicions they may have that the patient is being
Great and simple interpretation Kevin about the article. This man really has great words and is really changing many people point of views in todays society. I agree with you that healthy skepticism is something that many of us should take in consideration, especially since many of us are blind and don't really look at things the correct way. Logical thinking and explanation is absolutely necessary for those people that don't think before anything. I am also majoring in marketing and I think that we can relate similarly because we need to know what's right and what's wrong.
Professional skepticism practices as neutral but discipline approach to detection and investigation. Per SAS No. 1 it suggests that an auditor neither assumers that management is dishonest or assumes unquestionable honesty. Professional skepticism requires fraud examiners to “pull on thread” in which means Red flags are warning signal or something that demands attention or provokes an irate reaction. Red Flag symptoms of fraud may be divided into at least six categories: unexplained accounting anomalies, exploited internal control weaknesses, identified analytical anomalies where non
This allows exposure or the ability to see which decision are not robust or popular amongst the general
It allows us to consider the act which we performed, and hopefully enables to make better choices in the future. I believe cognitive dissonance is a critical
Firstly, however, the meaning of the term ‘professional standard’ must be established. There are standards that all professions must follow. These are to do with ethics and values. At the very least, standards of professionalism indicate a level of “expertise”, separating those who are considered professional from the amateur. Merely deriving an income from writing a review is not proof that a professional standard has been met. The NSW Professional Standards Council claims that any attempts to define standards of professionalism “typically centralise around some sort of moral or ethical foundation within the practice of a specific and usually established expertise”.
Professionalism is a (1) Theoretical knowledge on which practical or skill based activity rests, considering this, I applied my theoretical knowledge such as differentiate, individual needs into my practice. (2) Professionalism is formal, accredited qualification, providing grounding in theoretical knowledge; according to these, I am doing my assignments and voluntary teaching practice to obtain a certificate. (3) Licence to practice or some proof of occupational competence; according to this, I showed my Confirmation of Student Enrolment on Initial Teacher Training letter to my manager to get a voluntary teaching practice. (4) Professionalism is a code of professional conduct or practice; I follow my organisation’s rules and regulations such as health and safety rules, equality and diversity, time keeping, etc. (5) Professionalism is a professional body that represents the interests of practitioners and regulates their activity in some way, in my teaching practice their awarding bodies are Tinder Foundation, BBC Learning English and British Council. They regulate my organisation’s lesson plans and activities in some way and I follow them. (handouts, 2014)
Being a skeptical listener will enhance me reaching my maximum potential because listening to “I am good” or “I am smart” will make me think positive and accomplish my goals. It has changed my Way in class as I listen and to what others say, I don’t listen to it.