
Understanding The Language Spoken Throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God

Decent Essays

Bond analyzes the language spoken throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God as appropriate and crucial to understanding Afro- American literature. Hurston’s skill in dialect writing emphasizes the cultural tradition within the south. Not only does Hurston demonstrate black oral tradition, but she also utilizes southern dialect to critique a male dominated society. Hurston uses literary references, such as the pear tree to scrutinize her awakening self-love. These illustrations that occur in notable occasions of the novel are signified by the citizens of Eatonville. Lige Moss sheds light on Tony Taylor’s rhetorical inadequacy, just as Janie demonstrates her oration skills to expose the male tradition of signifying. Her expressive rhetoric angers Joe because “It is he who had aspired to being a “‘big voice,”’ a status dependent on the submissive silence of his wife” (46). Women are expected to keep their mouths shut, so when Janie breaks this cultural boundary she is looked down upon. Bond further analyzes this signifying game by giving examples of women being used as objects rather than speakers. Janie’s marriage to Joe initially represents the lack of voice women have until Janie uses figurative language to displace his power figure. Through the utilization of rhetoric, Janie “is able to free herself from the hierarchical sexual difference prescribed within the roles of her marriage” (49). Janie’s demise of Joe represents a huge step towards competitive figurative speech.

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