
Understanding The Spirit Of Entrepreneurs

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Entrepreneurial Analysis This analysis is structured on understanding the spirit of entrepreneurs. These dynamic, innovative committed men and women have been playing a major role in global economy. Policies are made and entrepreneurs play a huge success role in delivering economic prosperity. Furthermore, entrepreneurs are striving restlessly to make this world a better place for our future generations. This entrepreneurial analysis explores the experiences and innovative mindset of Baldeep Dhillon, Managing director of Big Barrel Group Manawatu region in the context of entrepreneurship. Baldeep’s dynamic thinking, creativity and proactive attitude have been a huge factor in the success of a whole family business nationwide. Although his …show more content…

The struggle of the time made him tough and his attitude towards risk expanded. In the concluded analysis, several factors emerged and explained Baldeep’s behavioural processes and need for achievement stood out the most. It is evident that the need for achievement drives most of the entrepreneurs to go beyond the trends (Block & Koellinger, 2009) and Baldeep was no exception. Entrepreneurial Traits I Can 't Get No Satisfaction—Necessity Entrepreneurship Necessity entrepreneurship is a very common reason for people to enter entrepreneurship. Moreover, conducted findings discovered that most of the entrepreneurs never really wanted to start on their own, although they were left with no opportunity (Block & Koellinger, 2009). Baldeep’s lack of education played an important role in his early decisions of buying a business. Higher educations tend to open professional opportunities and suppresses entrepreneurial traits (Huibert Peter de, 2012). Moreover, he understood there are not many alternatives for him to raise his social standard so entrepreneurship became a necessity. Baldeep’s constant need to become self-employed got him in financial jeopardy few times. After a long struggle and little bit of saved money, Baldeep invested and bought a vegetable franchisee business, which soon failed. Failure in this context has been referred to loss/profit of the business, which did not meet Baldeep’s expectations.

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