
Unification Of Germany And Germany : Unification In Europe

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I’m going to talk about the unification of Germany and Italy and how these two places went about unification and how that affected Europe. Also, I’m going to compare and contrast the effects that these two places unifying had on Europe. Before the French revolution both Italy and Germany were divided into many states, Germany was divided way more than Italy with more than three hundred states which had to have been harder to unite. Many people don’t know about the unification of Germany and Italy occurred or know that Germany had to do many things to achieve unification and ultimately start a war and use other wars to work towards the goal of unification. The World Book Encyclopedia says that,” Italy in 1866 Italy signed a pact with Prussia promising support if Prussia went to war with Austria. Prussia promised to give Venetia to Italy. Eventually several months later, war between Prussia and Austria did happen. Austria was defeated by Prussia in the Austro-Prussian War. In the peace settlement, Prussia awarded Italy with Venice and the other surrounding territories. They made Florence the capital of Italy. Wherefore Germany went to war three times to achieve unification. (“Italian unification”) For hundreds of years Germany lived in separate states, one of the most powerful was the kingdom of Prussia. During the late 1800’s, Otto Con Bismarck, the prime minister of Prussia, united most of these states and cities under Prussian leadership. After Bismarck, German leaders

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