
Unintentional Criticism, And Intentional Plagiarism?

Decent Essays

From the beginning of time, man has sought to express himself in many ways. The most common form of expression used was the written tongue. Written languages grew, and came to the point where in each culture there was a different form writing, and each writer had his own specific style. Unfortunately, soon after this, a form of academic dishonesty known to us now as plagiarism began to make itself known. Plagiarism is the usage of another’s intellectual property without either having gained permission from the author, or giving credit where due through proper citations. In the past century, however, plagiarism has grown to the point of skyrocketing far past anything seen in previous centuries. This shall be looking at the various forms of plagiarism, how it occurs, its results, and reparations.

There are II types of plagiarism, which for the purposes of this paper shall be referred to as unintentional plagiarism, and intentional plagiarism. Unintentional plagiarism is when a writer mistakenly uses another writer’s intellectual property due to an incomplete knowledge as to what plagiarism is, or simply not knowing how to properly give credit via citations.
Intentional plagiarism is when one tries to purposefully pass off another’s work as his own or simply ignores the process of making proper citations and references.

Multiple situations exist in which plagiarism can occur and here are some possible scenarios created to better illustrate those situations:

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