I enjoyed reading your post. I believe that for a best patients’ outcomes, nurses need to feel that they are working with their management not against. In fact, been able to freely discuss concerns with management may help improve patients ‘safety, the quality of care and overall patients’ and nurses satisfaction. Union past actions shown that they can bring positive changes that can allow nurses to work safely and effectively. Through smaller nurse-patient, better wage and benefits, and normal working hours, union is making a big difference in the health care system. The impacts of union are not only positive for nurses and patients but also for the hospitals. According to Dube, Kaplan, and Thompson (2016), “hospitals with a successful unionization
Between June 1980 to March 1981 four babies died at Toronto Children's Hospital. In the cardiac ward 4A and 4B was where is was happening. They were suspicious at first but declared there wasn’t a problem. In January 1981 the first victim that stood out was four-month old Janice Estrella, her autopsy showed high Digoxin level. Digoxin is a controlled drug that increase circulation and slows heart rate. Next victim happened in March of 1981 his name was Kevin Pacsai only twenty-three days old even though his condition wasn’t even life threatening, however the nurse failed to convince the doctors to attend to Kevin Pacsi even though he was struggling the morning of his death. Kevin’s autopsy came back and showed high dosage of Digoxin. After Kevin Pacsai and Janice Estrella died the connor called the police he suspected that there is a killer. Allana Miller also died of Digoxin poison. After Allan miller died they locked up the Digoxin and be administered on emergency situations
A discussion regarding the health care reform or even health care in general can be somewhat controversial. The definition of health is drastically different depending on whom you speak to. Many would define health as " a person's absence of disease, others would describe good health based on the status of mind, body & social well-being" (GCU Lecture, module 2, 2012). According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, health is defined as "The overall condition of an organism at a given time". An individual's overall health affects the nation, this is where stakeholders come into value. According to Keele, Buckner & Bushnell a stakeholder is either an individual or an organization that either invest time and
Resources that relate to patient care have been cut, such as lacking an adequate supply of clean linens on weekends and nights for patient rooms. While resources relating to patient care have been cut, the CEO’s salary went up from $800,000 to $1,100,000 this past year. Nurses have mobilized and created a voice for themselves and are pushing to unionize with the California Nurses Association (CNA) to fight for more resources and better wages. Since the protesting and unionizing rallies, Huntington has hired expensive anti-union companies to surveillance, intimidate, question nurses and try to divide and oppress the unionizing efforts of the California Nurses Association (CNA).
What would you advise the independent living home management to do about unionization? Should it oppose unionization?
The national healthcare workers are striking because not only are they not being paid enough and not being provided with basic necessities like running water to perform their job efficiently, they’re also not being protected properly. One of the strike leaders, Dr. Evenst, says that it is not uncommon for a person to come in with a gun threatening to shoot if the professionals did not treat them. The healthcare system sent their requests for better conditions to parliament, the president, and every major branch they thought could help but to no avail. This result seems to be related to the tumultuous state of the government after the fraud riddled election in 2015, nevertheless the healthcare workers went on strike.
As one might predict from the articles reviewed not one eluded that the bedside nurse disagreed with an improved RN to patient ratio. At this point you may be reading this saying; so hospitals need more nurses, why don’t they hire them. The answer is hospitals do, but because of the growing number of patients in the hospitals, nurse burnout, and nurses moving from one department to another or quitting all together, there is a nursing shortage. The problem becomes how hospitals can retain nurses when there are so many opportunities elsewhere. The upper nursing management, often known as the VP of nursing, collaborate with the accountants and CEO’s of the hospitals and have pressure to save money
The National Healthcare Employee Union (NHEU) asserts that the hospital 's retention and recruiting efforts concerning nurse staffing is deficient. This deficiency has led to diminished patient care and more nurses quitting because of the fatigue of being overworked due to staffing shortages.
The National League for Nursing was first started by a group of brave women, whom shared a passion of commitment on the nursing education values and perspectives. These women paved the way for all the professional nursing organization in the United States. In 1952, the NLN historic role was to develop a set of guidelines that outline the Accreditation criteria for all nursing services and nursing education. The founding group works diligently in promoting and being reliable advocates for the importance of health care and nursing education. The NLN governed the NLN Accrediting Commission, which is responsible for the accreditation of nursing education schools and programs.
Nurse union can help to improve quality of patient care for the better outcomes. Union can help to deal with staff issues by fighting for right number of patient /nurses ration. Study has proven that the more patient’s one nurse has to care for, the more likely she is to make mistakes that could harm her patient's health. (Joanne Spetz, Michael Ash, 2009)
For years there has been a shortage of nurses. President Obamas new affordable care act is now in full effect and is increasing this shortage. The care act not only effects nurses, but also all heath care professionals, and the unemployment rate. The shortage will continue to escalade due to the patient demand the care acts brings, along with employers not being able to provide their employees health care. This means larger patient loads, higher unemployment, and diminished quality of care for patients. The diminished quality of care brings up the question of rather ObamaCare is worth the effort, or if it is just a contradiction.
As well as being notated as ‘eligible’, to work as a eligible midwife in private practice an eligible midwife must work in collaboration with a medical practitioner (Queensland Nurses Union, 2010). The Queensland Nurses Union (2010) explains that legislation specifies that eligible midwives working in private practice must operate under one of four collaborate models of care. These four collaborative models are as follows: Eligible midwives may be employed by an obstetric practitioner or an entity that employs an obstetric practitioner; eligible midwives may accept a written referral from a specified medical practitioner; eligible midwives may obtain a written agreement with a specified medical practitioner; or eligible midwives may have an arrangement with a specified medical practitioner (Queensland Nurses Union, 2010). The Queensland Nurses Union (2010) is concerned that this legislation will limit the ability for eligible midwives to work in private practice as unless eligible midwives are employed by medical practitioners, have women referred to them by a medical practitioner, or have an agreement with a medical practitioner, they will unable to work in private practice. Newnham (2010, p. 245) describes this as ‘creating a maternity service that is entirely within medical parameters, while seeming to advance midwifery models of care’
It’s clear that some level of cognitive dissonance is occurring at the GSU. In this case, the staff states that the reason they entered the nursing profession was to help people. However, they feel as if they are being asked to perform their duties in such a way that conflict with those beliefs. For example, they are spending less time caring for patients and more time filing paperwork and handling administrative tasks. This dissonance is leading to negative attitudes around the workplace. Additionally, the emotional labor present in a hospital setting, compared to that of an office or factory
The nurse manager should also be able to convince the union representatives if any, senior nurses and the nurses in the unit about the problems of understaffing in the unit. Empowered nurse managers at all levels who feel supported by their organizations always played an important role in staff nurse retention (Wong, 2012). A satisfied staff is happy and more productive.
But unionization has not been easy. As membership has grown, so has the “bully on the street” mentality. Some associations do not want to be part of such a large organization and may feel that they will be under represented in specific issues, and not all nurses are for unionization. Many feel that unionization with suppress their opportunities to seek promotions, raises and benefits as funds are watered down to cover many professions covered in the services industry.
Patient’s rights come into play during a strike and the patients care is sure to suffer regardless of what is promise by the hospital administration. Failure to provide adequate healthcare services to a patient would be a breach in the provisions and would affect the rights of the patient’s compensations and cause damage to their health (Allabaugh, 2013). Hospital can hire outside agency to cover for the staff that is on strike like nurses. Factors that come into play with hiring outside agency is that the hospital may end up paying more for the replacement and may cause a series of events like low mortality among staff and patients (Allabaugh, 2013). Another factor is with treatment intensity and lower quality of care for patients and hospital readmission causing a decrease in hospital productivity (Allabaugh, 2013). In hiring from outside agency may not be beneficial because it would like hiring a substitute teacher, they only do the minimum duties because they are not fully trained.