
Union-Management Cooperation: The Key to Workplace Harmony and Economic Prosperity

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The concept of work reform has intrigued social scientists for centuries. The emergence of capitalism and the industrial revolution has created a sociological dichotomy pitting workers against managers in a battle of fiscal self interest and human rights. The ancillary economic benefits of worker satisfaction and participation can be seen in Asian and European markets. Adoption and adaption of these foreign labour policies as well as new forms of management which utilize post-bureaucratic policies will achieve greater employee-employer relationships. Though managers and corporations have struggled with unions in the past, emerging theories surrounding union-management relations create better working atmospheres that yield mutually …show more content…

The back-to-work legislation angered union members and perpetuated allegations that government intervention favours employers (Krahn & Lowe, 2005). However, strikes in the public and essential services sector often require government intervention to end strikes swiftly therefore not all union demands will be met. Essential services and government organizations possess a different dynamic when it comes to labour dispute. Unlike large companies, the managers of these companies do not experience direct losses if workers strike. The role of government in industrial relations ought to be guide the hand of union-management cooperation, rather than acting as a collective bargaining referee. The key to union-management harmony lies in collective bargaining where both sides come to mutually beneficial agreements (Davis & Sullivan, 1993). Government legislation that declares a winner and losers of strikes is counter-productive in the strive for workplace satisfaction. Ultimately, the evasion of strikes and industrial conflict lies in the hands of management. Management’s response to collective bargaining can yield either positive or negative results; management can use the collective bargaining to expand their knowledge of the production process and improve the operation of the workplace therefore bolstering efficiency, or management can meet collective bargaining with opposition,

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