1- ADC is an electronic circuit which transforms analog signals such as a sound picked by a microphone or light entering a digital camera to digital output, to binary number’s system. DAC does the reverse of ADC. Inputs are binary numbers and outputs are an analog voltage or current signal.
Generally, both ADC and DAC are used in many applications. For example, the voice is converted into an analog electrical signal by a microphone, then the analog signal is converted to a digital stream by an ADC. After some operations on computer, DAC converts this back into an analog electrical signal, which drives an audio amplifier and loudspeaker, and finally sound is produced.
For DAC: Most of audio signals are stored in digital form (for
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In this mode, screen is blank until trigger event occurs. If oscilloscope finds a trigger, then it acquires and displays one triggered screen of signal and then stops.
5- In order to produce correct waveform, oscilloscope probes must be properly compensated. In other words, proper match of the input impedance of the oscilloscope’s vertical input channel circuitry is required.
Overcompensated Compensated correctly Undercompensated
6- AC coupling blocks the DC component of a signal. Therefore, we see the waveform shifted down and centered at 0 volts.
7- Digital oscilloscopes have a special feature called horizontal trigger position control. When we change the position of it, we can see the preceding signal before triggering event called pre-trigger viewing. When we select pre-samples, the record length that counts the number of samples measured will divide into pre and post triggering
An onboard TLV320AIC23 (coder/decoder) codec is high-performance stereo audio codec with highly integrated analog functionality which provides analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs). Multibit sigma-delta technology with integrated oversampling digital interpolation filters is used in this onboard codec. It connects directly to a 12-MHz master clock. On the other hand, various data-transfer word length from 16 bits to 32 bits along with various sampling rates from 8 kHz to 96 kHz could be supported by this AIC23 codec. Besides, this TI AIC23 codec has stereo-line inputs and stereo-line output which makes this codec an ideal analog input/output (I/O) option for audio
4. When using an amp clamp, what type of reading (volts, amps, ohms) appears on the vertical axis? Explain the basic process the scope uses to obtain this type of reading.
All audio is recorded is analogue and needs to be converted to digital. In order to do this a technique known as sampling is used. Here is a picture of how sampling works. The red line is the original analogue audio. The gray blocks are each sample of the audio. The more samples there are the higher quality or more true to the original it will be.
Scanners: They are used to convert a document or image into an electronic file that can be used and stored on a computer, Sometime scanners are part of a printer but usually scanners that are the most efficient are small scanners that can be attached to a computer through an USB cable they can scan single sided or double sided documents very fast. They can scan in colour or in black and white. Scanners are essential when a company needs to keep hard copy of their files in law firm in a medical environment or in an accountancy department.
Digital and Analog recording which both were foreign to me, I now have a better understanding of them both now. To help me understand them I use this saying “digital data" which means that a digital recording deals with data and "analog acoustic" and analog deals with recording acoustic recording into an electric sound. The more data on a digital recording the more data you have about the actual sound that was recorded. The digital recordings you can change whatever you want about them because they are dealing with data. Then the acoustic recording seems as if you are transferring the acoustic sound to an electric sound. The understanding that I have of an analog recording is it is the exact replica of what was previously recorded. There is not much you can do to change it.
During this moment the speech processor converts the sound signals heard through the microphone into digital signals. Following on, the digital signals are then sent through to the transmitter. The transmitter, which converts the digital signals into electric impulses, sends this signal through to the receiver/ stimulator using radio waves.
I’m always fascinated by the stories of successful entrepreneurs such as Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and Elon Musk the founder of Tesla and Space X. It is not only because of they are famous but also because they found their investors who contribute to their success and have the right to take part of it. The curiosity of finance drags me into the field of commerce and investment. Finance, a comprehensive study, requires the ability of mathematics and understanding of the economic environments which are my two favorite subjects since I was in year 11. I got my first chance to access to the field of finance in 2017 through two internships: at China Everbright Bank and Nuoyuan Holdings, a subsidiary of Hanfor Holdings. Getting to
As a result of The Beatles being the number one band in the world, they had access to the industries latest recording tools. Perhaps one of the most important recording tools used by the band in recording was automatic double tracking or ADT. This device allowed the band to flawlessly double any given sound. ADT was used mostly on vocals to enhance the sound of the singer. The Beatles also used an innovative tool known as the Dolby noise reduction system (Dolby NRS). This device reduced the build up of noise during the over dubbing process. Dolby NRS is still widely used in the field of music recording. In an effort to find a new sound, The Beatles cracked open an amplifier and put a fan inside. Just as talking into a fan distorts a voice, the band found that it has the same effect on an instrument. Many of the sounds were added onto the tracks randomly which makes the album virtually impossible to rerecord or perform live.
Recording Device means any equipment which can be used for audio or video recording (e.g., phones, cameras, voice recorders, etc.)
The progression of recording equipment over the years has come a long way. In this paper I will cover the progress in its entirety. From the beginning to the current ways that we record music and everyday sounds. There is discrepancies on the topic as to who had the first recording device.
As the ABC is an organisation heavily involved within the Australian Multimedia Industry, the tools and equipment used are integral to the quality of the content produced. For different areas of production, the tools and equipment used will differ, for example, when working in television, equipment would include a set, cameras, tripods, microphones, props, lighting, video monitors and teleprompter. To edit and deliver good quality television content, the department would use various editing tools and software’s during post-production focusing on almost all areas of audience experience such as visuals and audio. Some of these tools include Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Flash and Computer-generated imagery (CGI). When working with radio, the equipment needed to produce a podcast or broadcast includes a sound proof room or studio, sound boards, microphones and switchboards and the tools used for editing would be solely based around sounds to enhance the audience’s aural experience, so this would include sound editing software such as audacity.
An audio engineer is responsible for the operation of the soundboard and other equipment in the recording of music, words, sounds, or any combination of such material. There are several types of engineering positions available in today's studios. In large studios, there are usually several engineers, each with the own duties and contributions. There are recording engineers, recording assistants, set-up engineers, maintenance engineers, and even mix-down engineers in some cases. In smaller studios the engineer is usually responsible for all of these duties. As a rule, the engineer should be able to set-up, use, and fix the equipment they work with.
The first experiment was Baseline and for that experiment we needed to get three tubes but one of the tubes were already done so the only thing was left is to do test tube two and three and put it together than put it in the spectrophotometer 20. The hypothesis for this experiment
Specific measure instruments are used in quantitative research. Gathered measurements are recorded on a chart, which can reveal how small changes between individual measurements may equal to a more noticeable change over a period of time.
This experiment shall be repeated twice or more to enhance accuracy of the results obtained. Besides detecting systematic errors, this experiment would aid on the technique and understandings to the correct use of these equipments.