This assignment will discuss two well known theories of effective communication. Firstly it will look at Michael Argyle (1972), the cycle of communication and then it will discuss Bruce Tuckman (1965) stages of communication.
Michael Argyle (1972) looks at the cycle of communication which involves six stages this is about sending receiving and the decoding of messages between individual and also groups.
1. An ideas occurs – when one has thought of an idea that they want to express with another person/s
2. Message coded – when the idea has been thought through, there is a thought process of how this idea is going to then be communicated. There is a thought as to how this message is going to express it, as it could be through
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Eventually the team itself could splint. As a result of putting different people together, the group begins to form relationships with each other and can sometimes for smaller group. This causes the lack of motivation, anxiety and frustration resulting in the groups failure to complete the mission.
3. Norming – during this stage the trust and respect is developing amongst the members of the group, since it becomes clear that each member has a role and they are aware of what
Message is understood- if you have communicated clearly. The other person concentrates. There are no barriers and the other person shows understanding by nodding.
Norming: In this stage, a sense of group cohesion develops. Members accept the team and develop norms for resolving conflicts, making decisions and completing
In this assignment, I plan to analyse my communication skills. My group members and I recorded ourselves speaking. I plan to do this by applying theory to practice in reviewing this 10 minute video, I have recorded this video with P in accordance with the university confidentiality policies. I will seek to define and outline the meaning of communication, the differences between types of communication, analysis of the skills used while communicating and conclude.
In this essay I am going to identify and describe different forms of communication. I will also be using examples from health and social care sector. Communication is started through the communication cycle which is defined as “The process involved in building and understanding of what another person is communicating” (BTEC first health and social, 2006). To interact with people we communicate, we can communicate in many ways such as speaking, writing and signs.
Communication is defined by Kaul (2004, P.2) as being ‘a two-way process in which there is an exchange and progression of ideas towards a mutually accepted direction or goal’.
There are several steps that compose the communication process. Communication requires transmitting an idea, sending the idea through a medium, receiving the message, understanding the idea, and providing feedback to the message sender (Wallace, 2009). Transmitting an idea suggests the adaptation of one or several thoughts and the desire to say these ideas. Often times
3. Norming: This stage is characterized by the recognition of individual differences and shared expectations. Hopefully, at this stage the group members will begin to develop a feeling of group cohesion and identity. Cooperative effort should begin to yield results. Responsibilities are divided among members and the group decides how it will evaluate progress.
The communication process starts with the sender developing an idea that is composed into a message that is then sent to another party who interprets the message and receives meaning after which the receiver provides feedback. Effective communication can only be achieved when all concerned parties have a mutual understanding of the subject at hand (Mindtools, 2012).
As members of the group begin to feel safe and secure, the conflict will settle and the group will develop a bond and unified goals. Labeled a period of norming, it is "characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness" (Group Development, 2003). In fact, this stage is so characterized by relationship that it could almost be viewed as a honeymoon phase. Group members will frequently set aside differences and unity becomes a priority. It is important at this stage to emphasize honesty and creativity because the group will likely be trying so hard to be amenable that some members may hold back. Others will be ready to open up given their newfound sense of security within the group. This is also a critical time for the group because it typically delineates a time to commit (Johnson & Johnson, 2016). If a group reaches this stage and not all members are on board, it may hinder progress.
* Norming is the stage where a congruence of ideas and opinions of team members is reached, in other words team members learn to respect each other’s ideas and feelings, friendliness leading to personal problems being shared, avoidance of conflict and rules and boundaries are established and maintained.
“Norming” is the third stage when the team moves into this stage, they start to work closely as a team rather than independently. They are no longer focused on their selves, but rather focused on working together as a team. In this stage, the team has now come
Speaker’s thought/intention + context-mediated information -> encoded -> transmitted -> decoded + context mediated information -> intention/thought understood.
Looking at the main purpose of communication there are several key indicators of communication theory going
“…communication as a process of transmission of a fixed quantity of information- the message as determined by the sender or source.”
We all have one life to live. In this life we teach things to others, but we also learn things from others. We communicate in one way or another to get across with our purpose whatever it might be. We all have our own communication style, way to listen, communication apprehension, and our way to resolve conflict. Therefore, I will elaborate in those concepts with my own personal experience and understanding about them.