For this assignment, I interviewed a parent of a child who does not have an IEP or receive special education services. Through this interview I was able to learn how parents of children with no special needs are aware of the inclusion classrooms. The parent I interviewed attends to one school only, she is a single mother of three. When I asked her about inclusion, she appeared to be confuse, and she shared to me that she don’t know what inclusion is. She also shared that she don’t recall, nobody from school explaining or sharing information about inclusion. When I asked her about inclusion, she asked me that if the meaning is to include or including, but what. I asked her about when she was in school, how did she remember how were the
The following policies and desktop procedures either need to be updated or do not reflect current business practices:
Section 404 of the Act (Charities Act 2006) requires annual reports to contain an internal control (IC) reports emphasising the responsibility of management for establishing and maintaining adequate IC over financial reporting. In addition, the annual reports should contain an assessment of the effectiveness of the IC over financial reporting. It is a requirement to aid external auditors to report on this assessment, having carried out independent testing of the control system. Appendix 4 (Table 4 and 4.1) summarises the existing charity reporting and accounting requirements set out by the CC. Appendix 7 in a Flowchart: Eligibility requirements for independent examination. The Tables consist of details of the charity size and the reporting requirements for the filing of its annual accounts and reports. If adhered to by the various charities in their respective group will help in improving reporting within the sector.
CM received a call from Andrea (Daytop coordinator) regarding Dre’quan (youth) intake screening today, 5/2/17 at 2:30pm. Andrea requested to reschedule intake screening time to an earlier time. CM encouraged Andrea to contact Shevell Rudolph (YDC Social Worker) to conduct intake screening at an earlier time. Andrea agreed and CM provided Andrea with Ms. Rudolph contact information. Andrea noted she will continue to keep CM updated.
TF has been in the program for a couple of week recovering from substance use. TF is around her 25-30’s. SWI has had minimal interaction with the client. TF has been a couple of groups that the SWI has conducted.
Statuary sector is an organisation where the money is collected through the government and the money is off an individual through in come tax and national insurance. A example of a statuary sector for asthma is the NHS, if an individual needed to go to A&E because their asthma was life threating, if they are from the UK they would not need to pay for their treatment they would attend the closest hospital to them instead of needing to go to a hospital which could be miles away just so they could afford it. And the nurses, doctors would ask questions about their problem instead of their bank details because they are not paying for the treatment. An example for influenza is GP, some individuals would need to pay for their medication and prescriptions
Schedule 8 drugs are medications that are considered to contain substances that may produce addiction or dependence; they are available for use but require restrictions on possession and use to reduce abuse and misuse (Koutoukidis, Stainton, Hughson, 2013, p 436).The Drugs and Poisons Act specifies the storage requirements for controlled drugs that apply to providers (Drugs and Poisons Act 1996, p 115). This specification applies to patients/residents receiving high-level care and the patient or resident has been supplied S8 controlled medicines on a prescription or medication order. All medications in a residential facility or on a hospital ward are required to be kept in a locked cupboard. The Drugs and Poisons Act is very specific on the requirements such as; constructed of steel 10 millimetres thick; fitted
The staff person did not take the correct approach in trying to communicate with the patient. The staff person should have made an effort to obtain a trained interpreter to speak with the patient. If unable to do this, the staff person could have sought to find a staff member who spoke Spanish. However, after touching basis on what the patient is seeking care for, a trained interpreter should be obtained. It is not appropriate to use family members as interpreters since this can result in a breach of confidentiality and misunderstanding of information. The patient son is also a minor, which is another reason he should not be used as an interpreter. This situation was not an emergency that required immediate need of a translator, thus an appropriate interpreter would have been the best approach.
Interrelationships are also known as correlations. There are several factors that can support an individual’s wellbeing. 1. What is the difference between a. and a. Health: Having good physical and mental health contributes to people’s wellbeing. This can include some exercise.
Ida Egerton reached out to us because she wrote a cleaning guide for cat owners and wanted to know if we would post it on our website. I politely turned her down and provided info where she can request the submission guidelines for the magazine.
Reporting of Injuries,Diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations of 1995 requires the reporting of work-related accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences. The Act applies to all work related activities, but not to all work related incidents. The objective of the regulations is to enable the enforcing authorities to identify where and how risks arise and to investigate serious accidents so as to prevent them from occurring in the future and thus providing a safer work environment. The enforcing authorities can then help and advise you on preventive action to reduce injury, ill health and accidental loss,the main points of our own policy that relate to this are:
However Time to talk is organised by Time to Change, the largest programme in England tackling the shame and discrimination are often associated with mental health and it is run by mental health charities such as Mind and Rethink Mental Illness and other organisations. Here I would like to illustrate some organisations in my local area East London, Newham Borough with a estimated diverse population of 308,000 according to census and the facilities provided regardless of prejudice about race, ethnicity, age, religion or gender or any discriminatory.
The provision I am choosing is the Requirement to buy Insurance and the costs . Everyone does need some type of affordable health care coverage and now a law has been implemented that requires individuals to buy some type of coverage. Health care coverage can be obtained through your employer or through an Insurance exchange that can be affordable for everyone however, if you choose not to buy health coverage or even cannot afford it you have to pay a penalty on your taxes.
For this assignment, I interview a service provider for special education services. The service provider I interviewed, takes part in the educational team, and provide services. The service provider is developmental therapist. I was able to develop a better sense of the importance of inclusion. After interviewing the service provider, and learning her philosophy of inclusion I have was able to better understand the accommodations and modifications for special needs students.
Aspects of an appropriate Inclusion setting for which I found interesting were, the services and level of support, collaboration between educators, the benefits and barriers and the roles of educators and families of an inclusion setting. According to the IDEA 's LRE, school districts are required to educate students with disabilities in regular classrooms with their nondisabled peers, in the school they would attend if not disabled, to the maximum extent appropriate. There are still lots of controversial views in education as to how an inclusion setting is delivered, who is responsible, what makes this setting important and how to make it successful. When educator look at the definition of the work “Inclusion”, the laws clearly states
Inclusion in classrooms can further benefit the communication skills and sense of community among students with and without disabilities. “Children that learn together, learn to live together” (Bronson, 1999). For students with special needs, inclusive classrooms provide them with a sense of self-belonging. The classrooms provide diverse environments with which the students will evolve feelings of being a member of a diverse community (Bronson, 1999). For students without disabilities, they learn to develop appreciation of the diversity. The classrooms provide many opportunities for the students to experience diversity and realize that everyone has different abilities that are unique and acceptable. From this realization, the students will learn to be respectful for others with different characteristics (Bronson, 1999). Inclusion in classrooms is beneficial to all students’ individual and community growth.