Task 1 – P2
Purpose of Operating Systems
An Operating System (OS) is a software program that allows the computer hardware to be able to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer Operating System, a computer and software programs would be useless. Initially the Operating System acts as an interface between the user of a computer and the computer’s hardware.
The OS is the most important program that runs on the computer. Every computer needs an Operating System to be able to run programs and applications. The basic tasks the Operating System is responsible for includes; recognising inputs from the keyboard, displaying output to the screen, controlling peripheral devices, and keeping track of files and directories.
Another purpose of the Operating System is also responsible for security, so that unauthorised access is denied. In addition, the Operating System allows the use of
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Memory management exists in programs and applications, hardware, and in the Operating System (OS).
In the Operating System, the OS goes to the hard drive, finding the piece of file or specific memory blocks, and then copies it into the RAM. The CPU is then able to access it. The OS must find a location in the RAM where it is not being used by anything else when it copies it from the hard drive. Placing the copied file or specific memory block anywhere into the RAM, then the file or the specific memory block can overwrite existing files or other programs which could lead to the data to be destroyed or the computer to crash.
Memory Management keeps track of the software’s’ being opened and where the OS has placed the software in the RAM. Also the memory management keeps tracks of where in the RAM is a free space, so that it can be used to store copied files or software.
Irregular Access memory is inside the PC which store the information and work with capacity memory to make lessen less and influence space for essential things to like record and documents in light of the fact that for individual protection.
Operating systems have the responsibility to ensure that users do not access the system illegally. They also perform different tasks such as managing system resources, communicate between software and hardware, monitoring performance and operate utilities and applications.
The operating system is the set of instructions that direct the computer to accomplish specific tasks such as document production and spreadsheet calculations.
In conjunction with computer hardware, the importance of a user-friendly operating system and it's ability to perform an diverse range of tasks is the
Operating systems are vital to the use of computers, they tell the machine what it is, what language, where the programs are, when things are stored, how to do things, the instruction codes to do everything. The system is in charge of security such as ensuring that unauthorised users do not access the system. There are many types of operating systems, a few are listed below:
The Operating system is one most important parts of anything that runs on technology. It manages the computers memory and processes the information for the software and hardware. There is different operation system for pc, tablets, smart cars, and smartphones.
A computers operating system (OS) is the core of the computer and is more than just software. The OS controls the computer’s memory and processes as well as its hardware and software. It is the brain of the computer. Software applications on the other hand perform a certain task. Ex. Google Chrome provides internet and Adobe allows PDF files to be read (among other things). The OS is what makes all of these applications work successfully and accomplish whatever the application is designed to accomplish.
Operating systems were not in existence before the 1960s. The definition of operating systems is a program designed to run other programs on the computer and is the most important
Windows address space can be larger or smaller than the actual memory installed on the machine. Windows handles memory management with two responsibilities. The primary is to map or translate the processors virtual address space to the physical memory. The second responsibility is to manage the swap file between the hard drive and Random Access Memory (RAM). Windows memory management also includes memory mapped files. Allowing files to be placed into RAM, sequential file
In this report I am talking about a number of different software types and their uses. There are many types of software that all do different jobs. There are also many brands or different alternatives to certain software’s such as .png (portable network graphic) and .jpg. there are other types of software that do not preform one specific task but instead allow other software to run. These are operating systems these allow higher level more specialised software to run while doing the base computing to make it easier on the components of the computer. And also communicate with the components.
Generally, computer components are two-fold, namely hardware and software components. The hardware requires an operating system (OS) to manage and coordinate its software resources as well as provide services for computer application programs [4]. Application programs that run in a computer require an OS. In essense, the OS acts as a central host that handles hardware operation details [4]. All computers are run by an OS of some type. Some of the most popular OS versions in the market are Linux, Windows and FreeBSD [1].
The same is real for Linux system. There are a large number of customized and typical Linux system programs.
An operating system is a network of software that acts as the manager for all hardware and software on your computer.
All the details of the operating system has completed its specific application in order to work more closely. Hopefully this example has a clear idea about computer operating system.
As the OS control controls over all actions of computer so it is able to supply the detail or the elements that is needed by software to run from the hardware interface. Then it is acts as a resource manager as it is important component of a computer which controls all the components of the computer system. When the hardware provides the basic computing resources, the application program routine define the ways in which these resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users and the operating system controls and coordinate the use of hardware among the various application programs for the various users. It also handles storage management by controlling the storage management. Either than that, it is enables user to perform various tasks such as creating directories and files, copying and moving files, renaming files and deleting files. Then it keeps track of the exact location of files o hard drive through specific type of file system. The system tools are used to monitor computer performance, debug problems, or maintain parts of the system. A set of libraries or functions which programs may use to perform specific tasks especially relating to interfacing with computer system components. Despite that it provides a set of reusable system