2. POPULATION CENSUS CASE: It is pertinent to mention over the here Population Census Case where the collection of personal data by the government was challenged in the German constitutional court. Facts of the case were, The Federal Census Act,1983 made provision for a general census of the population, employment, housing and places of employment for statistical purposes. The declared purpose of the Act was to obtain information on the most recent state of the population, its geographic distribution and its composition in terms of demo graphic and social characteristics as well as on the economic activity of the population through the surveys-to be carried out, which information provides the in dispensable basis for decisions in the areas
In the population history graph of Sutter County, it shows that the population has grown rapidly in over the past 100 years. There are many different things that draw people migrate to the county, such as California oil industry, natural gas produces, water projects, developed highway system, and the film production. Break it down furthermore, in 1850 through 1900, the county population almost with no percentage grow in 50 years. But moving on to 1910 through 2010, there were huge population differences between each years and the highest peak was from 2000 to 2010; with 15807 per year. Also, in the date of recent population change, the United States, States of California
While Population: 485 centers on several different themes throughout the book, I chose to focus my interpretation on the sense of belonging the author, Michael Perry, seems to crave all through the literature, and more specifically, during chapters one and seven. In chapter one, titled Jabowski’s Corner, he opens the door to his journey by bringing us to the small town of New Auburn, Wisconsin. This is the place he belongs. He introduces many of the people of New Auburn in every chapter, but I chose chapter seven because he describes the diverse groups of individuals that make up the town and refers to them as “My People,” which is also the title of the chapter. These are the people that make up the town, the people he belongs with. I
Thirdly, Texas continues to be a fast growing state in the nation, adding some 150,000 new residents a year for the past half-decade or so. Texas is the second most populous state in the US. In recent decades, it has experienced strong population growth. Texas has many major cities and metropolitan areas, along with many towns and rural areas. Much of the population is in the major cities of Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, Austin, and Fort Worth. As of 2012, the state has an estimated 4.1 million foreign-born residents; constituting approximately 15% of the state population. An estimated 1.7 million people are illegal immigrants. Personal income didn't grow as quickly in 2013 as it did the previous year, thanks largely to the end of the payroll tax holiday, but Texans fared better than residents of most other states. Courtesy of the robust
Women in King County during the year of 2013 were surveyed and the survey showed a wide variety of fertility rates. The American Community Survey surveyed women ages 20-34, 35-50, native born, foreign born, and in labor force in King County. Below are five maps that were classified of equal interval to show the fertility rate in women among the demographics in King County. The choropleth maps were classified of equal interval because it was easily read among the other classification and it indicated the values compared to one another.
Data and statistics is able to be collected through a number of different ways to gather information, the majority of people have taken part
The Census Act was first passed in March 1, 1790. This act made it so that a census would occur. A census is an event where authorities of an area count the population of the area they have authority over. The first census was done by the marshals in an area, they were allowed to appoint assistants to help them. When the census was taken, the largest city was Philadelphia, with a population of 42,000 people. Second largest was New York City, followed by Boston.
I started off by gathering research for the demographic factors that would be easy to find for both cities by looking at the US Census database as well as the American Community Survey database. I was able to get through this process fairly quickly because the US Census publishes ‘quick facts’ about each city and I was able to do a side by side comparison between San Jose, CA and St. Louis, MO. After filling out the main demographics, it was time to fill the table with health prevalence rates, number of uninsured people, food insecurity and etc. I was able to find a lot of the health rankings through BRFSS. CDC and County Health Rankings (refer to table for specific information). I used County Health Rankings in the case where I wasn’t able
Every ten years the U.S. government issues the decennial census which collects data about the actual count of people residing in the United States. The census contains questions pertaining to race and ethnicity, and these items are collected using self-identification surveys. The ethnic and racial categories available on the census are defined by The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). When self-identifying on the census, respondents must choose the ethnic background and race(s) that most closely resemble their own.
The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census as directed in Article I, Section 2 of the constitution. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress. They accomplished that goal in 1790 and our country has every 10 years since then. Eventually on July 1, 1903 The United States Census Bureau was founded to count every resident in the United States.
Part I: According to a 2013 census of Hot Springs, Arkansas, the demographics compared to San Diego City, California varied substantially. In education, 84.1% of people were a high school graduate or higher, while in San Diego City it was 87%. Kindergarteners in public school in Hot Springs were up to 97.6% in public schools and 2.4% in private schools, while San Diego City’s public school was only 90.5% and private school was 9.5%. Financial Characteristics on household incomes of $75,000-$99,000 of owned houses in Hot Springs was 9.7% and rent owned houses were 3.5% while San Diego’s percentage of owned houses was a whopping 14.1% and rented ones were 12.0%. Overall
According to the December 2012 United States Census Bureau Population Projection, the nation will continue its trend of consistent diversification. By 2024, the non-Hispanic white population will show a decrease in numbers. Minorities including Hispanics, African Americans and Asians will double, and other groups will increase by at least half. Eventually, non-Hispanic whites will not be seen as a majority, but as an equally represented group among its ethnic counterparts (U.S. Bureau, 2014). This projection can not be transposed to the country’s nursing population. Non-Hispanic white nurses often vastly outnumber other groups (Bessent, 2009, p6). The nursing workforce needs to actively and continually diversify its professionals to provide competent care for the nation’s ever-changing population.
A census is an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals. The census is taken every couple years in order to get specific details about our population. It helps to take into account the amount of people a certain town, city, or state may have as well as their race, gender, and age percentage. The census is also used to calculate the amount of people who live below the poverty line, as well as the wealthy. The data collected by the census not only determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives, but also is used to distribute billions in federal funds to local communities. These funds go towards schools, hospitals, public works projects, and other essentials needs that help Americans with everyday life. It is the most complete source of information about the population that we can gather.
These early forms of the census, that did not take into account diverse populations, are a large part of the information that we have from that time.
The United States is the third most populated country in the world. This country holds about 4.5% of the world’s population. The U.S. population is currently estimated to have 308.7 million persons. This number is more than double of the population from 1950. Besides the fact of the population has doubled its size, the population has also become qualitatively different from the one from 1950. As noted by the Population Reference Bureau, “The U.S. is getting bigger, older, and more diverse.” The growth of the population is the result of the trends over time in the relationship of increased births, decreased deaths, and increased net immigration.
The graph below shows the population change between 1940 and 2000 in three different counties in the U.S. state of Oregon.