1.1 & 1.2 Define type of abuse, and the signs and/ symptoms associated with each type of abuse. Physical abuse is where someone is causing physical harm to another. This could be hitting, pushing, slapping, pinching, kicking, scalding, restraint, misuse of medication and other things causing harm. Signs or this would be unexplainable; red marks and bruising, cuts and grazes, burns, weight loss, finger marks, fractures, scratches, pressure ulcers and sores and/ rashes from wet/soiled bedding. The person being abused would also have behavioural changes, health deterioration with our obvious cause. Sexual abuse is when someone does not give consent to take part in any form sexual activity. Signs of this could be pregnancy, …show more content…
Once you have done this you must then tell your senior/manager exactly what has been said as this will be their responsibility to report and continue to find out what has happened and if it has happened. When there is a safeguarding allegation there are four priorities in responding to this. 1 is to protect, this is the most important. It is to ensure the abused person is safe and protected. To ensure any medical treatment is provided, and give reassurance and comfort. This will ensure that the person knows that they are now safe. Second priority is to report. This is your responabily to report this allegation to your line manager or the person within you company that deals with safeguarding issues. You must make a full written report of the event as soon as possible. Third priority is to preserve. This is to ensure you preserve any evidence. if it is a recent abuse like physical or sexual there maybe forensic evidence. It is a crime scene and you are not to touch or disturbed anything and you are to let the police take over. So you should not clear up, do not wash or clean any part of the room/area, do not remove bedding, do not remove any clothing, do not allow the person to wash/shower/bathe/brush hair/brush teeth, you should also keep other people out of the room/area. If it is financial abuse you aren’t to touch/ throw away any papers or documents, as this could be evidence. you must try to preserve as much as
Physical abuse is a deliberate use of physical force that results in bodily injury pain or impairments. Sgns of physical abuse can be burns and scalds, marks on the skin consistent with being slapped, scratched, bitten or pinched.Sexual abuse is direct or indirect involvementin sexual activity without valid consent. Signs of sexual abuse could be sexual transmitted disease,unexplained crying and distress or anxiety and fear of physical touch. Emotional/psycholoigical abuse is any action by another that damages an individuals mental wellbeing, signs of this is attention seeking behaviour,depression,low self-esteem and lack of self confidence.
Physical Abuse is when, a person inflicts physical force that is non-accidental and results in pain, impairment or bodily injury.
Physical: is non-accidental use of force against any person that results in physical pain, injury, impairment or confinement. Signs of physical abuse are, injuries that are consistent with physical abuse, present of several injuries of a variety of ages, Injuries that have not received medical attention, a person being taken to many different places to receive medical attention, Skin infections, unexplained weight changes or medication being lost, behavior that indicates that the person is afraid of the perpetrator, change of behavior or avoiding the perpetrator.
It is important that when there are suspicions about abuse or neglect occurring then they should be followed up and ensured the relevant people know so can therefore deal with the issue and make sure no allegation is ignored. I am going to discuss different strategies used to respond to suspected abuse and neglect. You must follow safeguarding policies and procedures, finding what is involved in the policies and procedures could involve researching on the internet or looking in a handbook given to you when you began work there. If the abuse was suspected another way you could respond could include informing the police or a safeguarding officer to carry out an investigation and look into it further.
As a care worker I would ask my senior to follow up the report about the issue until action has been taken. If the abuse is reported to my manager I would expect action to be taken on the case here. If the abuse involved my manager or I got no answers from my manager/senior I would ask the next manager up in the rankings or the Local Safeguarding Authority Board.(which information to do that is pin posted on the board in the office in my workplace). If It had been reported to the Local Safeguarding Authority Board then I would ask for it to be followed up with them until action had been taken. If the authority
* Emotional/psychological abuse: threats of harm/abandonment, over controlling, harassment, intimidation & withdrawal from support networks/services
Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm..
Physical abuse involves the use of force by pinching, punching, slapping, scalding, hitting, kicking, burning or misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions. It is a form of physical attack on an individual, it can also be a intentional neglect to prevent physical injury.
Physical abuse can be hitting, slapping, pushing, dragging, forcing limbs and putting them into to situations and actions they don’t want to do, this can also know as restraint. Other types of abuse can be medication abuse, force feeding.
1.1 & 1.2 Define the following types of abuse and explain the signs and symptoms-
Physical: Physical abuse is deliberate physical force that may result in bodily injury, pain, or impairment. Both old and young people can be physically abused.
Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, or
Physical abuse – involves causing deliberate physical harm to a child and may include burning, drowning, hitting, poisoning, scalding, shaking, suffocating or throwing. Physical abuse also includes deliberately causing, or fabricating the symptoms of, ill health in a child.
However, defining and the determination of sexual abuse, alike the other subtopics in violence and social work are ambiguous due to all the different factors that build up the underlying causes; The different factors often includes power differential, knowledge differential and gratification differential that weave together to create power struggles to be in power and dominant over another person. The most common examples would be a husband/boyfriend sexually abusing his wife/girlfriend or a parent (mother and/or father) abusing his/her children: Child Sexual Abuse.
Physical abuse is aggression physically injuries directed by an adult. Often this type of abuse is confused with child discipline. Many bruises and broken bones have merely passed by the eyes of tha law as accidents, disobedient children and/or discipline. Most kids don't say anything but you may noticed that they are screaming for help, even though they might not say it verbally you may see all the signs and