
Unit 213 Essay

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Room 213 is located in Lillington-Shawtown Elementary School (LSES), a diverse and mid-sized school located in the Harnett county seat of Lillington, North Carolina. A classroom of five students with moderate disabilities, this EC self-contained setting is spacious and well-organized to address the needs of the four boys and one girl who are taught by Ms. Hatcher and assisted by Ms. Parrish and Ms. Roper. Most of the students are either 4th or 5th graders, half of whom are returning for their second year with Ms. Hatcher; there is also one student who is currently homebound who may be joining the class in September pending the results of upcoming conferences. The students’ classifications include autism and intellectual disability- moderate and per the county’s designation the classroom is listed as an Autism Self-Contained classroom. All of the students received additional support from the school’s occupational and speech therapists and half of the class receives additional support services from the school’s physical therapist. All students are provided transportation services as well. …show more content…

and the instructional day begins at 8:10am. All students go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast before beginning their school work for the day. Instruction ends by 3:15 p.m., with staggered departure times for bus and car riders. Ms. Hatcher’s EC class typically arrives on the first buses and begins its daily routine by unpacking backpacks, making lunch choices and visiting the bathroom before sitting in their assigned seats to work independently. Students may work on puzzles, play with blocks or watch a video on the Smart Board while waiting for their assigned breakfast

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