
Unit 22, P3

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BTEC National Diploma in Health and Social Care Unit 22: Research Methodology Task 1: P3 Introduction: In this assignment I am going to be creating a table comparing the different research methodologies in health and social care. Research methods are “the various specific tools or ways data can be collected and analysed, e.g. a questionnaire, interview, etc.” (Neville, C, 2007). Methods | Advantages | Disadvantages | Validity | Questionnaires are “a series of questions asked to individuals to obtain statistically useful information about a given topic” (Bryant, L, 2014). There are different types of questionnaires that include face to face, phone, post and online. | -Practical-Large amount of information from a large amount of …show more content…

researcher are more certain that it was X that affected Y (Stanley, Boswell, et al, 2009). | -They produce data on very specific, narrow topic i.e. the relationship between two variables-Experimenting on human beings in care situations raises difficult ethical issues (Moonie, Stretch, et al, 2003).-Participants usually know that they are in an experiment which may affect the behaviour they produce-It may be time consuming(Stanley, Boswell, et al, 2009). | Validity of experiments are normally high as the variables are controlled except for the variable being tested. | Observations involves watching people’s behaviour or looking at some other phenomenon. There are different types of observations which include informal and formal observation. | -Observing natural situations gives natural behaviour (valid)-Rich data can be collected (Brain, C, 2000).-Can give an insight into the bigger picture-In can demonstrate sub-groups (University of Surrey, 2014). | -The observer may be biased-There is no control over variables, so it makes it difficult to draw conclusions (Brain, C, 2000).-Requires high level of participation which can cost a lot and take up a lot of time-People might change their behaviour if they know that they are being observed-Researcher might miss something while they are watching and taking notes (University of Surrey, 2014). | Validity is usually very high

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