BTEC National Diploma in Health and Social Care Unit 22: Research Methodology Task 1: P3 Introduction: In this assignment I am going to be creating a table comparing the different research methodologies in health and social care. Research methods are “the various specific tools or ways data can be collected and analysed, e.g. a questionnaire, interview, etc.” (Neville, C, 2007). Methods | Advantages | Disadvantages | Validity | Questionnaires are “a series of questions asked to individuals to obtain statistically useful information about a given topic” (Bryant, L, 2014). There are different types of questionnaires that include face to face, phone, post and online. | -Practical-Large amount of information from a large amount of …show more content…
researcher are more certain that it was X that affected Y (Stanley, Boswell, et al, 2009). | -They produce data on very specific, narrow topic i.e. the relationship between two variables-Experimenting on human beings in care situations raises difficult ethical issues (Moonie, Stretch, et al, 2003).-Participants usually know that they are in an experiment which may affect the behaviour they produce-It may be time consuming(Stanley, Boswell, et al, 2009). | Validity of experiments are normally high as the variables are controlled except for the variable being tested. | Observations involves watching people’s behaviour or looking at some other phenomenon. There are different types of observations which include informal and formal observation. | -Observing natural situations gives natural behaviour (valid)-Rich data can be collected (Brain, C, 2000).-Can give an insight into the bigger picture-In can demonstrate sub-groups (University of Surrey, 2014). | -The observer may be biased-There is no control over variables, so it makes it difficult to draw conclusions (Brain, C, 2000).-Requires high level of participation which can cost a lot and take up a lot of time-People might change their behaviour if they know that they are being observed-Researcher might miss something while they are watching and taking notes (University of Surrey, 2014). | Validity is usually very high
Experimental research concentrates on how and why something happens. It is the evaluation of how an independent variable (a manipulated factor) affects a dependent variable (an observed factor). The outcome can be affected by a number of elements; obtaining random and representative samples of the study population, experimenter bias and extraneous variables.
There are many things which can affect access to complementary therapies. The ones I will be explaining are:
Observational methods involve an investigator viewing users as they work and taking notes on the activity which takes place. Observation may be either direct, where the investigator is actually present during the task, or indirect, where the task is viewed by some other means such as through use of a video camera.
Per Schmuck, (1997) “Observation methods are useful to researchers in a variety of ways. They provide researchers with the means to check for nonverbal expression of feelings, determine who interacts with whom, grasp how participants communicate with each other and check for how much time spent on various activities.”" Nevertheless, the Apple and Samsung needed to re-brand their great iconic name with unleashing of store coupons of $200.00 as experiment new customers. The
This is an experimental study because it involves the manipulation of the variables at various degrees and seeing the effects of such a manipulation.
Firstly, it has the capacity to reduce reactivity which is capable of distorting data. The likelihood that the presence of the observer may allow for alterations in the behaviour of the observed, by the observed towards the observer exist in participant observation and are capable of reducing the validity of data if such actions are not take into cognisance suggests Schwartz and Schwartz (1955).familiarity between the observed and the observer over time can however change this .Bernard (2006) affirms that rather than encourage the occurrence of such, the presence of the researcher instead discourages reactivity on the basis that the researcher’s presence over time builds trust with the observed and in turn lowers the risk of reactivity because the observed are more familiar and comfortable around the researcher. Hence they act in their natural state this therefore, help to generate more valid data.
Observational methods involve an investigator viewing users as they work and taking notes on the activity which takes place. Observation may be either direct, where the investigator is actually present during the task, or indirect, where the task is viewed by some other means such as through use of a video camera.
Controlled Observation – allows researchers to observe in a natural setting, giving focus on what they want to study. However their intervention could disturb the setting.
Observational research is type of correlational (i.e., nonexperimental) research in which a researcher observes ongoing behavior. There are a variety of types of observational research, each of which has both strengths and weaknesses. These types are organized below by the extent to which an experimenter intrudes upon or controls the environment.
Limitations. What is the scope of the study? Can it claim causation? Here we get into the nitty
There are three kinds of research methods: description, correlation and experiment. One of the description method is Naturalistic observation. As its name, this research is to observe behaviors naturally. Your job is to stand or have a sit, watch people or things “secretly” and record their behaviors carefully, then describe exactly what you see. You will not control the situation. You also cannot let your tracked subjects realize your observation, or they will change the way they behave and you will fail in catching natural behaviors. In this method, you just describe the behaviors or collect their data, do not explain why they acted those things or how
The disadvantage of the research approach I chose, experimental, includes creating artificial situations (non-regular environment that the study may take place) and generalizability (not having an applicable relationship in other contexts). Along with this, there are also ethical concerns with manipulating some variables in experiments.
Thicker description of what is being studied, and methods are designed to capture life as participants experience it rather than predetermined catagories created by the researcher.
Then, I may randomly select a number of subjects, like 100 people, and randomly assign them to experiment group and control group. The dependent variable here is whether people are willing to pick up papers that just dropped in front of them. By testing the both groups, researcher can have a conclusion about whether there is a causation between mood and helping. Compared to correlational study, experiment has some advantages. “Experiment is a research method that tests hypotheses and allows researchers to make conclusion about causality”(Research Method Lecture, 8/27/2015). According to the definition of an experiment, we could find an obvious advantage of experiment. While correlational study only allows researchers to see the correlation between variables, experiment allows researchers to see the causality of variables, which is a more clear and direct relation. Also, experiment uses random assignment in the research; It makes the research more objective and reduces some confounding variables. In addition, Experiment allows researcher to have stricter control of the study. researchers could decide the way to test, and whether let subjects expose to independent
allows for participants that are more willing to adhere to the study, and therefore may impact the