Hacking has evolved from juvenile’s curious action into serious criminal act. The low cost of computers and ease of accessing internet has allowed proliferation of criminals to use these tools to research and attack their targets. The main goal is criminal exploit and to exploit learn hacking techniques to accomplish goal. The use of electronic devices and internet leave behind digital marks and fortunately criminal first hackers have a difficult time erasing their trail allowing for the savvy digital forensics investigator to collect evidence and locate the criminal. Before attacking a target, the criminal-first hackers will conduct research on the target, just as they would have pre-digital age. They can have basic idea the type of target …show more content…
The article described a hacker's method who won PCWeek hacker challenge: replace the home page on two targeted machines. The successful hacker said it took 20 hours complete “one bit of information, the directory layout, led to the discovery of vulnerable scripts, which led to a script being overwritten, which led to the uploading of executable code, which finally led to the uploading of an exploit and success” (Farrow, 1999). For the successful hacker, they have to be persistent and willing to take various paths to reach their goal. The more twists and turns, the more difficult to for a hacker to reach their target increase, the greater likelihood of the hacker giving up. In 1999 Hacking Exposed introduced the phase-based model used by hackers by “gathering intelligence in the Footprinting and Scanning steps and propagating code in the Gaining Access step” (Herr & Rosenzwieg, 2016). Propagation is the key element for the successful hacker. When they load malware or introduce corrupted script into a system they have achieved success. Once the malware or script is load, it is now up to malware or script to work as planned. It is possible for the attack to fail if the malware or script was written …show more content…
Successful criminals know that they need to learn about their target, habits etc., but their research doesn't stop there. Once they attack, they have to figure out what happens next. In the case of the Bangladesh Bank hack, the hackers had to figure out how to make the money disappear. They did their research and used the Philippines weak money laundry laws to their advantage. With their through research and phase attack, they had a huge monetary gain. With Bangladesh Bank hack success, other criminals will emulate their strategy causing a uptick in cyber-bank heist. It is showing that the risk pays. The times where hackers are more interested finding weakness, like the Morris Worm, are past. Now hackers seek gains that enrich
As technology is used worldwide, it is in no way hard to get your hands on, or learn how to use computers etc. One of the most significant problems with cybercrime is it’s secretive nature; many protection devices which can be cracked will not pick up that they have been, therefore the majority of cybercrime will go unnoticed for a substantial amount of time. Combined with the world wide web, hackers can use the computers to gain information from any organisation around the world, penetrating even the most impenetrable organisations to get what they want, highlighting how technology has led to the process of globalization within the criminal world.
The word hacking, usually associated with information technology, is a term used for the development of creative solutions for a problem by someone in a non-professional environment. With the introduction of personal computers and the internet, anyone could create solutions to problems in computer science. This led to the emergence of “hacker culture”, leading to the decentralization of computer industry (Hicks, 2014).
Dixon Jr., Herbert B. 2018. “Is Hacking the New Normal?”. Judges’ Journal 57, no. 1: 36-37. Academic Search Complete, Ebscohost (accessed February 4, 2018).
Together with your approval, I wish to investigate these cyberattacks involving dealing with threats that range between malicious codes, which are referred to as malware and spyware, to computer viruses. All of the threats to computer networks come from the web and they are often intentional, having been manufactured by people with malicious intent. There is a deadline on the report which carries a proposed timeline and budget necessary in order to complete the investigation project. A list of sources has been
It shows that there were weaknesses in each layer of defense used by Target that eventually allowed cybercriminals to gain access to some of their most sensitive data.
The growth of the internet has allowed cyber criminals to attack any target anywhere and not even have to be local. Capabilities in internet speed and the out reach of the world wide web make this crime more desirable and easy to accomplish.
Computers are one of the world’s greatest inventions, and sadly, one of the worst. Thanks to computers, there are so many things we can do from the comfort of our own home. We can do our banking online, pay our bills, go to school, look for jobs, and so on. Computers have made us all lazy. They have also made us unconcerned, at least up until recently, with our privacy. We all know there are bad people in this world, but it seems to be that we have forgotten that there are some very, very smart people in this world as well. It took a very smart person to invent the computer, to figure out the inner workings. But if one person can do this many can do this. Enter the computer hacker.
"Hackers", on the other hand probably view the system more abstractly, as a resource waiting to be used at the end of a telephone line, a challenge beckoning them, calling to them irresistibly, whispering to them, "There will be no damage done and no one will be the wiser."
In the early 2000’s new criminal opportunities arose by attacking Web sites. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks took place by having large numbers of computers accessing a Web site at the same time. This provided cyber criminals with two things, global visibility, and financial opportunity. As technologies evolve and advance, so do the abilities of the hackers. Now, the goal is to stay one step ahead. It is not a matter of if a system can get hacked, but rather a question of when.
Profiling is an act which is almost impossible in hacking. This is because; hackers have different backgrounds and incomes. Moreover, hackers can either be male or female. Profiling could be a hard task but not totally impossible. According to Bednarz (2004), experts belive that by knowing the different skills, methods of operation and personal traits of computer criminals could be of great assistance in pursuing these criminals. In profiling such indivuals, one can consider their level of skill as well as motivations. Some have limited programming skills and mostly rely on pre-written scripts to initiate their attacks. Others are highly-trained professional cyberterrorists and criminals, with the right gear and skills to commit serious crime.
Linton (2011, p.44) stated that hacking of network of common users and attacking their personal computers is one of the most threatening problems at present. It is happening in every second that results in a loss in several ways like loss of credentials, personal information etcetera. Although the use of personal computers and the internet has been increased rapidly, numbers of users who are the expert and have good knowledge to tackle the matters are very rare. In addition, time, as well as required equipment to protect hacking, is also very.
As the world becomes more and more reliant on computers the computer hacking industry is greatly rising. With people such as Kevin Mitnick, who is known as a "computer terrorist" (Kjochaiche 1), computerized information isn't safe any more. Kevin is known as "the most high-profiled computer criminal and responsible for more havoc in the computer world today."(1) He considered this a fun and easy task. He got caught and thrown into prison, but once he got out nothing changed. Kevin stated that as long as the technology is there it just calls to people to break into it. Computer hackers usually start off young, thinking that it is nothing but a little harmless fun. But as they get older, they realize it has turned into
The internet is a medium that is becoming progressively important as it makes information available in a quick and easy manner. It has transformed communications and acts as a global network that allows people to communicate and interact without being limited by time, boarders and distance. However, the infrastructure is vulnerable to hackers who use the system to commit cyber crime. To accomplish this, they make use of innovative stealth techniques for their malicious purposes in the internet.
Due to the fact that the web is getting faster and faster and evolves every day and increasing its speed, it allows the hackers to do more effectively some kinds of crimes that require speed and skills. For example robbing money from an account before anyone can trace back the
Their operations are very slick and swift such that stolen data is quickly exploited within seconds of being submitted by unsuspecting victims. Since 2005, over 400,000 databases have been compromised since 2005, and thousands more have gone unnoticed or reported. About 40 percent of those involved in IT security have no fixed figure on the number of hackings their companies have experienced. One of the rapidly increasing areas of ecommerce is in the use of web-based applications to replace traditional over-the counter transactions. Hackers have expectedly, latched on. According to a study by Gartner, over 75 percent of Internet security breaches are due to flaws and loop holes in software. The reason for this is that, applications are normally designed and put together quickly to get the system running, and no time is spend analyzing and assessing security implications. As computer hackers continue to step up their operations in line with technology advancements, the securities and future industry recorded a 150 percent increase in the number of suspicious activities detected by their systems. During the same time, research carried out at the University of Maryland indicated that a computer connected to the Internet was subject to an attempted hack every 40 seconds. The battle between ecommerce websites and consumers wages on, according to an independent analyst, ‘consumers are losing a tug of war.’ Simon Smelt, an economist who runs a survey company