a. Social Media Reports: Social media reports showed that engagements activities increased which was attributed to CEO’s birthday celebration. Ken gave the SM statistics to include 12, 800 FB followers, twitter followers of 2767; and followers on Instagram 3700 with Uncle Ebo’s Facebook amassing 97,079 followers. The last week’s Encore statistics indicated that the streaming reached a total of 65,889 people, 9,237 views; 376 reactions; 288 comments; 187 people shares with peak view reaching 326. Also, 147 people watched on YouTube; and 55 Periscope (Twitter) viewership. On the other hand, engagements on Instagram and Corporate website have been slow because the lack of recent post and unfinished update from Websoft respectively. The BDU head responded that although the statistics above was heartwarming, the whole world scope was ours to reach for through Social Media and success can only be achieved with a consistent, careful, and measured process. As such, was tasked to set a targetable goal which would then be broken down into months and weeks targetable goals. The weekly analysis should focus on change in the achievement of target within the week and whether we would be at a pace to reach the yearly target. Going forward, we needed to be consistent with what works instead of adding different things so as to measure the impact. Clients …show more content…
A 60, 000.00 GHC a year’s sponsorship package with a monthly GHC 5000.00 installment payment plan negotiation was underway with Cedar Point Chemist, a pharmaceutical company. The Head of BDU implored Ronnie to renegotiate for a total of 80,000.00 GHC a year and a monthly payment plan of more than 7500.00 Ronnie also reported on a discussion with Jerry a contact who would like to purchase 500 copies of the novels for resale. Additionally, Ronnie was also pursuing a lead on a speaking engagement at the Annual Internal Audit Conference on 10th of August 2017. He would liaise with Elsie to set the appointment for the
Moving forward, social media has been a major convenience and reward to virtually everyone. On an individual basis, social media allows friends and family both near and far to communicate with one another. Also, businesses are flourishing through the use of social media. Advertising has never been easier. Horn (2013) states, “Our profession, unlike any time before, is demanding we become social media (…) experts” (1). Horn (2013) also states, “More than half of reporters (55 percent) use Twitter and Facebook to source stories” (1). Social media has greatly benefited business life and personal life.
In order to select the most appropriate communication channels, the company should have studied its market and the audience that watched the video.
Our report includes an assessment of current top social media platforms, benefits, monitoring strategies, organizational approaches, costs and their forecasted impact on the growth of our products and services.
In this modern age, the majority of society has adapted to social media and the newest technology to fit around our lives. Technology provides tools that are imperative to the making and the use of other tools. It is a tool in itself. Technology is changing rapidly; so rapidly, in fact, there can be cultural gaps between generations. The construction of social media has enabled access to innovative phenomenon, broken barriers, changed our perspectives on ideas, and has even opened doors to new opportunities.
Since the beginnings of American society, America has used news media as its primary tool to distribute information. Media is involved in nearly every aspect of everyday life. From morning until night, citizens are constantly bombarded by media images on television, radio, magazines, and the internet. However, since the mid-2000’s, one form of media has dominated the social landscape. This type of media has entirely changed the way other media connects with its viewers. It has shifted the power of information from the select few to the masses, from the broadcaster to the audience. It has given the individual voice a pedestal. It has made information faster, busier, more streamlined, more hectic, more interactive, all at the
There is a photo being shared on social media that is touching many people's hearts. The photo is of a waiter feeding a man who does not have hands. Alex Ruiz is a 22-year-old waiter who works at the Cinco De Mayo restaurant. The customer has came into the restaurant, ordered his food and asked someone if they could help him feed himself. Alex volunteered to help without thinking twice about it.
Social Media is growing upward, fast! If you can’t keep up with it, at the very least keep track of it. Most importantly, usage of social media in the
While the use of social media has been an important new tool in our overall outreach and advocacy arsenal, we have also been aware of the importance of qualitatively and quantitatively measuring the performance of our social media outreach efforts. The quantitative evaluation is typically done by using the Twitter Analytics tool, while our qualitative measures of success are done by gaging the influential Twitter users that are actively engaging with content posted from our efforts.
Today , cyberbullying is an enormous problem all over the world . It should be a mandatory law that Social media sites , such as , Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and many more sites be regularly surveillance for content of bullying , racism , and bigotry , then just moderately monitored by the sites themselves . Bullying , on social media sites consists of negative comments and/or pictures used towards another individual/individuals . For instance , Bullying , has always been an issue but over the years this has certainly changed . Children were often bullied (1)in schools and their home community neighbourhoods . Today , as this is still an issue , it now has increased since internet is used more often in today's technologies , is also used
Appears that anywhere you look today you will find someone using social media. With advertisements and commercials even billboards Social Media appears to be anywhere you look. Social Media is such a big thing today, according to study provided by the website Socialnomics, individuals devote 700 billion minutes every month on Facebook (statisticbrain.com). Social Media has now become so much better for advertising that it is changing how business is done.
In an earlier blog, I briefly discussed with you the importance of selecting the right social media platform for your business goals. Getting started on the right foot with your social media marketing is essential to the growth and scalability of your business. Selecting the right social media platform is only the beginning of your social media strategy. The next step is to develop the right content to share. The goal of your social media content is to grow an audience of potential customers and give them a chance to engage with your business.
We cannot deny how big of an impact social media has on our lives now, not only on people but businesses too. It has opened a whole new door to the business world and given them a big opportunity to interact and attract a larger amount of customers. It’s given us a new and faster way of communication by exchanging pictures, stories, news, blogs, online discussions, etc. In exchange businesses have benefited by a long shot just by the click of a button. With the help of the Internet a company no longer is dependent on a particular customer base to survive because now it can reach out to a worldwide audience within seconds. It’s imaginable the countless business attributes of all social media to this day and still is growing. Social media
Social media is a controversy topic in today’s society. Some people think that social media destroys human interaction and real life human relationships. While others think that social media is a bless to humanity. Social media makes human interaction much more convenient and much faster than real life human interaction, it makes globalization a reality, it gives a chance for introverted people to express themselves, and it also benefit develop international relationships whether its business or social.
The project aim at teenagers, therefore sample group is between 13 to 19. I will set the sample sizes in 50 participants since it is easy to identity and more precision. If a sample sizes increase, it is very hard to estimate and become not accurate. Also, I’m worry about the extremes data can’t make a balance out, so the project prefers small sample sizes. It can take less effort to gain and maintain people, it is easy to produce significant results and comfortable to find a group of people. I will obtain samples from friends or friends’ sister and brother.
Despite the fact that we’re already in the 21st century, society continues to show signs of progress and development strongly leaning towards the direction of advancement, constantly evolving. This pattern is no different from the world of advertising, as it has also evolved through the years and quite recently an unexpected technological innovation took the world by storm. It made such a tremendous impact that eventually led to the transformation of traditional marketing, and it’s no other than social media that we all learned to love.