
Unit 4222 616

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Unit 4222-616 Administer medication to individuals, and monitor the effects (ASM34)

Outcome 1 Understand legislation, policy and procedures relevant to administration of medication.
1. The current legislation, guideline policies and protocols relevant to the administration of medication are.
Medicines Act 1968 & amendments. Categorises how medicines are provided and sold.
Misuse of Drugs act 1971 (Controlled Drugs) and amendments.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. 5 elements of risk assessment.
COSHH. Storage and who has access.
Health and social Care Act 2008. Receipt, storage and administration.
Access to Health Records Act 1990. Access to your own records.
Data Protection Act 1998. Confidentiality. Hold relevant records for7 …show more content…

You don 't come cross anaphylactic shock often, but you still have to be aware. Other severe adverse reactions that could include a fever and skin blistering; these usually occur within an hour of the medications being administered. Sometimes adverse reactions can develop over a few weeks, they may cause damage to the kidneys or liver. If adverse reactions are not treated they could be fatal. When individuals experience adverse reactions to medicines my workplace policy is to inform the GP and explaining in detail the adverse reactions, the staff member will then inform the individual/ team. GP advise and guidance will then determine if the medication is to be stopped. If the reactions are so serious then an ambulance should be called my responsibility is that I have duty to continue to observe the individual and monitor their vitals, speaking to them and looking at any changes, so as to ensure that the individual is not deteriorating. All adverse reactions and following advice given, must be recorded in full in the individual’s clinical note and referenced in their daily report also MAR’s chart. 4.

Outcome 3 Understand procedures and techniques for the administration of medication.
1. Explain the different

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