Unit 4222-619 Understanding mental health problems
Outcome 1 Know the main forms of mental ill health
Mood disorders
Mood disorder covers all types of depression . Some people are prone to suffering depression during winter when the days are shorter. Bipolar disorder is a condition that affects your moods which can change from one extreme to another this can range from a euphoric mania to a deep low depression these highs and lows can be so extreme that they interfere with day to day life
Personality disorders
People who suffer from personality disorders usually have chronic interpersonal difficulties and problems with ones identity or sense of self . People with personality disorders can often cause as much difficulty in the lives of
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Substance-related disorders
A substance related disorder is a condition which an individual uses or abuses a substance illegal or legal these disorders include abuse and dependency on drugs like cocaine, heroine, inhalants, prescription painkillers, alcohol and nicotine
Eating disorders
Eating disorders are mental disorders that can have a serious physical complications. There are two main types of eating disorders anorexia and bulimia. These are complex disorders focusing on issues of eating, body weight, body shape. People who intentially starve themselves suffer from an eating disorder called anorexia this disorder usually begins in young people around the time of puberty, involves extreme weight loss due to starving themselves . People with bulimia consume large amounts of food and then rid there bodies of the excess calories by vomiting abusing laxatives, taking enemas or over exercising.
Cognitive disorders
A person with a cognitive disorder does not process information correctly within the brain. This results in impaired awareness and judgement, difficulty in reasoning and focusing, loss of memory and abnormal mental capacity.
Dementia is a cognitive disorder which causes a loss of brain functions which mainly affect memory .
A major advantage of classification systems for
You don 't come cross anaphylactic shock often, but you still have to be aware. Other severe adverse reactions that could include a fever and skin blistering; these usually occur within an hour of the medications being administered. Sometimes adverse reactions can develop over a few weeks, they may cause damage to the kidneys or liver. If adverse reactions are not treated they could be fatal. When individuals experience adverse reactions to medicines my workplace policy is to inform the GP and explaining in detail the adverse reactions, the staff member will then inform the individual/ team. GP advise and guidance will then determine if the medication is to be stopped. If the reactions are so serious then an ambulance should be called my responsibility is that I have duty to continue to observe the individual and monitor their vitals, speaking to them and looking at any changes, so as to ensure that the individual is not deteriorating. All adverse reactions and following advice given, must be recorded in full in the individual’s clinical note and referenced in their daily report also MAR’s chart. 4.
Dementia is a broad term used to describe the symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by specific diseases and conditions.Dementia is a progressive disease and the symptoms will get gradually worse.
• As a care worker we must follow all the rules and regulations regarding the policy of social care or what so called legislation. We should practice the high quality standard of care, always make it appoint that we do our job safe and properly with the clients as well as to our fellow carers. As guide or one factor to do the right description of our work we need to follow all the standards , attend trainings and update all seminars.
Dementia is a term used to describe a collection of signs and symptoms that happen to the brain when it is affected by the progression of certain diseases such as vascular dementia (when brain cells die due to lack of oxygen) and Alzheimer’s disease (a specific brain disease). Some of the affects these diseases have are on a person’s memory, language and communication abilities, behaviour and ability to make rational judgements.
Physical: is non-accidental use of force against any person that results in physical pain, injury, impairment or confinement. Signs of physical abuse are, injuries that are consistent with physical abuse, present of several injuries of a variety of ages, Injuries that have not received medical attention, a person being taken to many different places to receive medical attention, Skin infections, unexplained weight changes or medication being lost, behavior that indicates that the person is afraid of the perpetrator, change of behavior or avoiding the perpetrator.
Neglect: medical condition deteriorating unexpectedly or not improving as expected, hypothermia or person cold or dressed inadequately, unexplained loss of weight, clothes or body dirty and smelly, delays in seeking medical attention
Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms including memory loss, confusion , mood changes, and difficulty with day-to -day task. There are many causes of dementia wit Alzhaimer`s the most common.
Eating disorders are characterised by an abnormal attitude towards food that causes an individual to change their eating habits and their behaviour. There are several types of eating disorders that can effect an individual physically, psychologically and socially. The two eating disorders which I will be discussing is anorexia and bulimia.
* working with person centred values – these may include things that are specific to the individual, their rights and dignity should be respected at all times. Individuals have the values of any person in the world; rights, independence, privacy, dignity, choices for every aspect of life, partnership & individuality should all be respected in order for a person to have their own values met. If all these things are met for the individual, then the likelihood of abuse may be reduced due to the person being able to make his/her own decisions in everyday tasks E.G. choosing clothing/meals/activities. Each individual whether in care or not has the expectation to be listened to and their choices respected, if this is not done, then the
Substance-related disorders: these can be mainly drug or alcohol related it when people are addicted to these substances
Dementia is a weakening in the mental ability (a sign of this may be asking the same question frequently) which affects the memory and many other aspects of the brain which causes difficulty with thinking, problem solving and concentration it is also the result of the death of multiple brain cells.
Dementia is a loss of brain function. If affects memory, thinking, language, judgement and behaviour. Dementia is progressive, so the symptoms will gradually get worse. In a later stage of dementia people will find it hard to carry out daily tasks and will come dependant on other people.
There are different types of eating disorders such as Bulimia and Anorexia. Anorexia is a lack or loss in appetite while Bulimia is more of an emotional disorder.
Substance-Related disorders are problems involving the use of psychoactive drugs for months or years in ways that harm the user or others. Substance -Related disorders can cause major political, economical, social and health problems. Alcohol and depressants such as; heroin, cocaine, LSD, barbiturates, are the most common substance in this disorder. People often tend to become addicted to the substances. Addiction is the physical need for a substance; physiological dependence on a substance.
A) An eating disorder is any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. There are three main types of eating disorders. You have anorexia, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. These disorders can be very dangerous. They are very unhealthy for your body. The body needs all the nutrients it can get.