• 1- wind energy:
When the wind is blowing on wind turbines it produces electric power, Fans are old techniques used in the mills and then the water pump, but now it has developed the technology and has become used for electric power production.
• 2-Solar Energy: the use of receptors solar panels pick up solar radiation for turning solar energy to electric power
• Geothermal Energy: it means the use of heated water and stream to power the power station for turning steam and heated water to electricity but it's expensive
1. Two commonly used methods of financial analysis are payback and present value. Payback determines the length of time for an investment to return its original cost (1). Using the assumptions stated below the payback of the Jiminy Nick wind turbine with a cost of about $3.3 million would return the investment in about four years time. Net present value summarizes the initial cost of an investment, the estimated annual cash flows, and expected salvage value, taking into account the time value of money (1). A NPV calculation for the scenario SED is reviewing equals $7,697,286 minus the investment costs of $3,318,000 totaling $4,379,286.
The cost for renewable energy is halted for an endanger species. The text "Divided Over Wind Turbines" by Maria Glod is discussing how the windmills should not be built because the low number of bats that are already left will die off due to the wind turbines. In the other text, "District Court Conclusion" by the court is how the decision was made in favor of the bats. Lastly in "The Indiana Bat Decision: a Dangerous Precedent for Alternative Energy?by Brandon Middleton discuss how this person feels about the court's decision was wrong because of the renewable energy source should not be turned down because of bats. The windmills farms are huge 389-foot windmills able to turn the Appalachian breezes into energy that can be used in daily life sounds easier than done because the case is where the wind turbines are placed happens to be where the Indiana bats hibernate in limestone caves within several miles of the wind farm. The concerns of the court decision are debatable due to the fact both arguments are a logical one for the bats and the other for the possibility of renewable energy.
Geothermal energy is heat from the earth that is a clean and reliable source. Geothermal energy is converted to energy by steam that drives a generator and creates electricity. Geothermal energy contributes 12.5% of Costa Rica's energy. Costa Rica uses volcanic geothermal energy which comes from under the earth's crust, by extracting and cooling the steam it powers turbines that make electricity. An advantage of geothermal energy is that it is constantly generated and does not rely on the
A wind turbine is a machine that converts the wind’s kinetic energy into mechanical energy. If the energy is then directed by machinery it is called a windmill, but if the energy is converted into electricity it is a wind turbine. Wind turbines are old technology but used to meet new challenges. There are two main types of wind turbines: rotating on the vertical axis or on the horizontal axis. The horizontal axis is the most common. These three bladed turbines have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator
“A wind turbine is a machine for converting the kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy”. (1) The inventor of the first electric wind turbine was Clevelander Charles Brush, who ran his entire Euclid Avenue mansion off of one for 20 years, which later made the cover of Scientific American in 1888. (2) Although the use of alternate energy didn't rise a great deal afterward, this event did open the eyes for many environmentalists. Wind power is only one of our several “energy source[s] whose ‘fuel’ is free and will never be exhausted” (3) with the pros and cons not completely weighed out as to whether it will be truly beneficial or not. The two main issues regarding wind turbines are the environmental effects that they have and the
First energy source I would like to discuss is the solar energy. Solar energy generating method is a method of converting sunlight directly to the electricity through the system of panels or mirrors. When sunlight warms heat absorbing panels, they produce steam, which is
Later, wind energy served mankind by energising his grain grinding mills and water pumps. During its transformation from these crude and heavy devices to today’s efficient and sophisticated machines, the technology went through various phases of development….The earliest documented design of wind mill dates back to 200 B.C. The Persians used wind mills from grinding grains during this period." (Sathyajith Mathew 2)
Thermal power has been used as a natural form of energy, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. The financial costs are extremely low due to no fuel needed to generate power. Even considering transport, geothermal energy is estimated to save 80
Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS) is one of the lighter than air wind turbine that rotates about horizontal axis in response to wind, thereby generating electrical energy at a lower cost. The generated electricity can be
The generator turns rotational energy into electricity. At its essence, generating electricity from the wind is all about transferring energy from one medium to another.
The useful and super eco-friendly, and environmentally safe (for the most part), form of energy that is called Geothermal Energy has been used for thousands of years. The definition for Geothermal is “earth heat” so it is literally the heat naturally created by the earth that humans and other species have discovered to use to their advantage. The earliest known uses are located in china and are based since the 3rd century B.C. although at that time the energy was just used as bathing pools at specific hot springs, today and in earlier generations this energy of the earth has become an extremely useful and powerful tool for the populations of the world. Some of the first locations where this energy source
Wind energy is essentially the conversion of the kinetic energy from air molecules in motion to mechanical energy which is generally then converted into electrical energy. People have used wind power since 700 AD in
A wind turbine works the opposite of a fan. Instead of using electricity to make wind, like a fan, wind turbines use wind to make electricity. The wind turns a blade, which spins a shaft, which connects to a generator and makes electricity. Modern wind turbines fall into two basic groups, the horizontal axis and the vertical axis design.
Geothermal energy is a kind of energy that provided by the heat of our planet, the Earth. The cost of geothermal energy is low, and it is reliable and friendly to the environment, but is limited to some specific areas. Recent technology development has greatly expanded the range and size of geothermal energy resources. Now the geothermal energy can be also used for applications such as home heating, which add use potential for the resource. Although, tapping geothermal energy will release some gas pollution which are originally trapped deep inside the earth, these emissions are much lower than those of fossil fuels. Therefore, geothermal energy is a kind of potential energy and may help to reduce emissions of greenhouse of the earth and of the pollution to the environment.
Wind energy described as the process by which wind is used to generate electricity. Wind is a part of renewable energy. Renewable energy is the one, which cannot be depleted when used. Globally, the use of power plants has increased, due to the overpopulation, urbanization since past years. Since then, renewable resources have played a vital role in maintaining balance worldwide in various forms. For instance, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower and other renewable energy resources help in balancing the environment. Nowadays, the leading problems such as climate change, melting of glaciers is leading to a change in the environment. Wind energy is one of the sources, which can replace the use of the non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels; oil and natural gas, hence take billions of year to replenish again, once finished. According to, the situation described in India, the burning of fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil and other non-renewable resources is increasing day by day, and the negative consequences linked in resulting in the rising of greenhouse gases, not only increasing the global temperature but also overusing the resources.