Unit 8: Promoting health and well being Sandy Arias sandy arias 9/18/2012 |
Table of Contents
Introduction and Background2 Health Promotion Campaigns4
Chosen topic and Questionnaires6
Secondary Data/ Specific research13
Planning 17
Unit 8: Promoting health and well being
The Aim of my coursework is to carry out and write a report of a scale health promotion Project relevant to one of the services user groups, the services user group that I have choose is Health (ill people) this
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However there is another ways that people can get ill for example people can be with a low defence if they feel depress this is cause as they may have emotional or social problems with themselves or society, this can cause a health problem.
A negative definition that most people think is the Health as the absence of illness. According to this definition so long as someone does not experience anxiety, pain or distress, they are healthy. They can have some disease, but still be healthy. Thus somebody in a wheelchair would be healthy, as would a person with cancer or with heart disease if they did not feel anxiety, pain or distress. http://www.uwic.ac.uk/shss/dom/newweb/Introtohealth/Negative%20definitions.htm
The well-being of a person includes the 5 aspects of health: mental, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual. There are different types of physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual health.
Physical Health: A physically healthy person is active, does not get tired easily, does not get sick easily, is strong, and is full of energy. Physical health refers to the condition of the body and the way it reacts to diseases. You need to take good care of your body in order to maintain good physical health. You need to eat healthy food, try not to eat too much junk food, do exercise, for example you can walk at least 30 minutes at day, sleep and rest enough, the time that a person should sleep is at least 8 hours
In 1946 the World Health Organisation (WHO) defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This definition integrates the main concepts of health and identifies that health can be viewed differently by individuals and groups (Bowden, 2006). Health and well-being are the result of a combination of physical, social, intellectual and emotional factors (Dunkley, 2000a).
In this task I will discuss the application/part of behaviorist perspectives in health and social care.
Health Promotion This is the process of allowing people to have more control over their health as this will help improve their health and well-being. It focuses on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and interventions. Health promotion is how health is shown for example to challenge obesity change 4 life is used so people can have a guidance on how to make their lifestyle healthier. It also shows that health promotion is aimed at individuals whose health is at risk from any diseases from lifestyle factors, which lets individuals take control over their health. By being able to have control over their health it shows individuals what may have happened if nothing was done of it
Physical Wellness- Physical Wellness encourages us to take care of our bodies by doing physical activity, eating well, and keep balance of metal health. The more you take care of yourself and the more you exercise, the more your physical wellness goes up.
There are differences in both, although they are closely related. E.g. someone may feel as though they are happy and comfortable, but in fact have one of the worst illnesses physically or mentally. Another example could be that when someone has good health, it enables their wellbeing to improve.
Over the year both positive and negative influences have influenced my learning. The skill I have developed for learning is my aspiration is to become a midwife, this influences my learning in the way that it gives me the hunger to learn new things and improve my knowledge and grades. By improving my knowledge I will be able to go onto the next stage of my development. I believe that if I did not have such a desire to be a midwife, it would affect my learning by creating a mental blockage which would stop my ability to take things in and learn as I would become lazy and not interested from the lack of direction in my life. As soon as I realised what I wanted to do as a career, it really highlighted my priorities and I found that I have
There are a lot of different definitions of health and ill health all of which are socially constructed; meaning that social issues usually influence a new theory or alter an old definition of health. In this section I will be analysing different definitions of health and ill health.
With there being such a plethora of cultures in the world, there are so many different beliefs and practices involving health and wellness, that almost everyone has a different definition of health, and different views on disease and illness in general. My definition of health involves many different aspects, but most importantly living a healthy lifestyle overall; being free from illness, and doing everything possible to stay that way. Eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of sleep along with protecting your
By looking at what different people say about health, it is clear that each one look at it differently. Therefore, there are many ways to define health. When we look at health, all physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects should be considered because they all affect our health equally. Health can be defined in many ways, positively, negatively and holistically. It depends on how the individuals look at their health and how concerned they are about it. Our state of healthiness will depend on many things such as where do we live, what job do we do, what do we eat, who are our friends and everything else related to our lifestyle. Our choice about our lifestyle can make a difference to our health. If we are interested enough in ourselves, we can improve our own health. Some people think, that it depends only on the health care we obtain; however, it doesn't only depend on this. It is connected to our lifestyle as well.
In modern society there is a general consensus that ‘good health’ is something that everyone wants to experience and that each individual knows what this involves. Because there are so many different definitions of health and ill health it can become a very complicated concept. Walsh (2011) states that “In sociological terms ‘health’ and ‘illness’ are contested concepts. This means that the general meaning of these words should not be taken for granted.
There are also general socio-economic, cultural, and environmental conditions to be considered when taking a holistic approach to health promotion, since having only
According to Floyd, Mimms and Yelding (2008) Webster’s Dictionary defines health as “the condition of being sound in body, mind and spirit… freedom from physical disease or pain.” This definition has very much taken the holistic view. Wellbeing is a term in which reflects on the positive emphasis on health and can be broken down into six aspects know as environmental, physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual. To achieve a high balance of wellbeing it is vital that a person is able to balance and take care of each aspect effectively. Underdown (2007) implies that in 1948 the World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.’ This definition took a holistic view as it mentions mental and social wellbeing and it was supported as it focused on a person being healthy rather than not being ill. However, this definition has been widely criticized. Seedhouse (1986) believed that for someone to be in perfect state of health is unachievable and unrealistic.
There are many ways to define health but my way of defining health would have to be your physical, mental and social being of an individual that has a higher chance of being immune to infectious diseases or your everyday common colds. Being physically fit means being in good shape and feeding your body the nutrients that it needs to keep going and for you to maintain your ideal weight. Being mentally stable plays a huge role in your everyday life and how you handle stress for someone to be mentally stable they need to have support from family member and friends and they also need to understand what their limits are and when to get help. Finally your environment having a stable environment can play a role in determining your mood, impact your
The health and well-being of a person depends on lots of different circumstances. It is about finding a good work / life balance and feeling healthy in body as well as mind. It is about feeling good in what you do and who you are as a person, it is about achieving personal goals and accomplishing your hopes and dreams.
”Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." (WHO, 1948) Wellness