For the following identify if the variable is discrete or continuous: 1. Age in years: discrete or continuous Answer: Age in years is a discrete variable. If a person is 10 years old or considers themselves 10.5, in data age generally goes by a whole number. 2. Number of patients who visited in the ER today: discrete or continuous Answer: This is a discrete variable because a human is counted as a whole number. 3. Weight in kilograms: discrete or continuous Answer: This is a continuous variable because any numerical value is possible. For instance, the measure weight could be 4kg or 1.001 kg. For the following identify if the variable is categorical or continuous (including discrete): 4. Age: 0-5 months, 6-9 months, 10-12 months, 13 months or more Answer: It is …show more content…
BMI: measured in kg/m2 Answer: This variable is a continuous variable because the measurement can be a different number of value. For instance, BMI ranges from 18.5 kg/m2 to 25 for normal weight. For the following, identify if the variable is nominal, dichotomous, or ordinal 8. Does patient have diabetes: yes or no Answer: The variable is considered dichotomous since there are only two options. 9. What type of diabetes: borderline diabetes II, type II diabetes, type I diabetes Answer: The variable is nominal because the question is asking for what type of diabetes a person has and is put into 3 categories. 10. Education level: High school degree or less, some college, Bachelor’s degree, Masters or higher Answer: This is a ordinal variable since education level is ordered from less to higher education and is put into 4 categories. 11. BMI: Underweight <30, 4=Obese 30 or more Answer: This is an ordinal variable because BMI is ordered from less BMI to higher BMI. 12. Race/ethnicity: non-Hispanic African-American or Black, non-Hispanic Asian-American, Hispanic, non-Hispanic White, Other non-Hispanic, Other Hispanic Answer: This is a nominal variable because you can’t rank
The significance of her BMI is used for the estimation of weight that is associated with health and longevity. It is
eam building programmes can help your business by improving the communication, levels of trust and general understanding between the members of a team. They can also help you to solve problems or to improve planning within the team as a whole. They can also help individuals to understand group dynamics and their individual skills and how they fit into the team and their understanding of their place within the organisation.
First, state whether blood pressure in Table 2A would be a continuous variable or a discrete variable. Explain. Then supposing that the number of women in each of groups (non-users and users) were identified, would the number of women in each category be a continuous variable or a discrete variable? Explain.
A tool known as BMI (body mass index) is used by medical providers to calculate an individual 's body mass index. It calculated by measuring a child’s weight and height and the found value is then compared to percentiles relative to other children of the same age and sex. For example, if a child aged anywhere from 2-19 is “more than 85% and less than 95%” they are considered overweight. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009). This tool is not a method used to diagnosis childhood obesity but it 's a valuable way to measure the prevalence of obesity worldwide.
In adults the body mass index or BMI is used to calculate a person’s body fat by using the weight and height of the adult. In children, the BMI method is also used to find out a child’s body fat and to determine if a child is obese. But since a child’s body fat can change as they age there are other things that are took into account when determining if a child is obese. When a doctor is looks at a child’s BMI he also must take into account the gender of the child because girls and boys body fat differs. Also the doctor must look at the age of the child because they amount of body fat a child has changes as they grow. Therefore, a doctor with take the BMI of child and compare it with other children their age and gender based on a national standard scale. When a child is in the ninety-fifth percentile or above on the BMI growth chart for their gender and age then a doctor will diagnose the child as obese (Bernstein, 2014).
body fat is calculated by weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters. It is very simple to calculate and it is usually very accurate. Parents use these methods to calculate the body fat of
b) The household income by poverty level is an ordinal variable and being overweight or
A centile chart is a chart is a size for age chart. Centile charts are used to determine whether the size of a child falls within the normal or average range or whether the child is larger or smaller than normal. The size of a healthy child will increase with age. Without knowing a child’s age, one cannot decide whether the size is normal or not. Therefore, accurate ages are needed when using a centile chart. A centile chart is based on the size measurements of thousands of healthy children recorded at different ages. A centile chart is made up of lines called
This variable measure the Respondent's gender (male or female) Nominal This variable measure the Respondent's age at last birthday. This variable measures how happy are you. Nominal This variable measure how much sibling do you have.
The abbreviation for body mass index is BMI. Body mass index is a tool that uses an individual’s weight and height in order to calculate their total body fat. The abbreviation does make sense, because the first letter of each word is in the abbreviation, which also helps make it easy to remember.
BMI stands for body mass index, body mass index is you body weight and your height. BMI is your body and tells your your body and the fat is healthy.My body mass index is 21.3, which is normal. I known this because of the background reacher plus the chart I was given. The normal zone range is greater than 18.5 but less than
Kids are considered obese when their BMI (body mass index) is 30 or above. BMI was only used to measure obesity in adults but has now become a common way to measure it in children; before there was a simple measurement use called weight-for-age. BMI measures height and weight (in kilograms and square meters). Weight-for-age was based around percentiles; it measured a percentage of the child population and what they are expected to weigh for their height and age. A child was obese under the weight-for-age measurement if they were at or above the 95th percentile. In other words, they
* More young adults have attained lower education than their parents (22%) (20% achieved higher education than the generation before)
Obesity is determined by an individual’s Body Mass Index (BMI). According to the CDC, “an adult who have an index mass of 30 and over, is considered obese”. Body mass index (weight (kg)/height (m) 2), is used to calculate the height and weight to determine if the individual is obese.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is usually the parameter for measuring the weight of an individual. It is determined by the body weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.