Yes, United States should be involved with the exploration of space and the ocean because we could discover big things. IF we get involved in the exploration of space and the ocean, then when we discover big things then we could proudly tell the world we discovered something big. Let’s say we discovered something big, well then, we would like to explore it more. Like a wrecked ship, if we want to explore it maybe it will have something good then we can explore. But we would have to be careful so no one gets hurt. If we find something big on the river or in space it could mean new things and more discovery. Let’s say a scientist discovered something big, and he told his other fellow scientists, then that could lead to a bigger discovery. If
Exploration has been an important action to take part of since the beginning of time. We have to explore to find out what’s out there right? We could potentially obtain so much knowledge, and so many resources. You can only obtain the maximum potential of something if your motives and ideology are correct. A great example of someone who had the potential to do so much good, and obtain so much greatness was a Chinese admiral by the name of Zheng He. Zheng He watched his father die at the hand of the Ming Dynasty, along with being castrated himself. Zheng He was forced to join thousands of eunuchs, and then rose quickly through the ranks of the military. The emperor basically assigned Zheng He the task of leading a fleet of exploration
Should we be funding exploration of the depths of space when our very own planet hasn't been explored to the fullest? Should we being inhabiting the solar system and potentially harming it knowing how poorly we've taken care of Earth? "We are the only earthly creatures with the capacity to extend our influence beyond the 4 corners of the globe." so what should we do with this power? (Source E) Funds and ethics should be big factors when considering space exploration, but they're not big enough.
“One small step for man, one giant step for mankind” - Neil Armstrong. Humans have been fascinated by stars and planets from the beginning of time.The human race has made some amazing discoveries; from drawings on cave walls, to putting somebody in space. Discoveries in space include finding new planets, technology, and theories. In recent years, there have been less discoveries due to a cut in NASA’s budget. This is because instead of the money going to NASA, the money goes to other organizations. The U.S should increase NASA’s budget because it helps find planets that could support life, creates more everyday objects, and gives ideas of how the earth might end.
The impossible was reached on July 20th 1969 when we sent the first man on the moon. The Apollo missions are the largest and most well known explorations that NASA has conducted. Ever since we reached this new high, our curiosity of space has grown even bigger. Funding NASA’s space program even further will continue to help us amplify our available resources and discover new information to benefit humanity. Not only that, but it could provide many ways for us to find a new home and expand our species farther into our solar system, potentially saving future generations. The expansion of this space program would be able to answer more of our questions than from what we can find here on Earth. Although there
Macbeth is the most responsible for his own demise. The reason for this is his ambition to follow the prophecies and become the King of Scotland. When he met the witches, his desire for power and to become king caused him to do unmoral acts. Macbeth is also the most responsible because of his murder on Duncan, the murder on Banquo, and Macduff's family. All of these were his decisions that he made so he could follow the prophecy to become King of Scotland.
How would you like to explore a never-ending frontier filled with endless potential and possible benefits for humankind? When put this way, space exploration sounds like an enticing adventure. However, is it all that it’s chalked up to be? We’re here to answer that question. There’s a specific issue that we need to consider when referring to space exploration; should we continue to fund NASA? We acknowledge that some people may already have strong opinions on this, and we ask you to keep an open mind and try to avoid bias. After all, we’re discussing our future.
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”-Neil Armstrong. This quote was stated by the first man on the moon, imagine what famous words could be stated by the first person on a new planet. The government should continue space exploration because of jobs, low resources, pollution, and for educational research.
Although space exploration is now being emphasized on and invested in, what does this do to benefit earth or even every individual who lives on Earth? Many writers, engineers, mathematicians, and chemists can agree that space exploration is going to provide more research for medicine and environmental factors. Others may also argue that the risks of exploring another planet will be too damaging because the life or atmosphere as it is will not be the same after humans have made their print on it.
Fear is an essential part on how our brains operate. Fear is also apart of survival and keeping yourself safe. Sometimes fear begins to use our imagination and creates events that could happen turning something that is lighthearted into a dark spiral. Fear overcoming reason is portrayed in television shows, gothic literature, and in our personal lives. Our imagination overcomes reason at times when you are facing your fears which can be triggered by sound or sight. Imagination can take over reasoning when emotions are present and are strong enough. In gothic novels there are times when a character’s emotion overpower reason.
As humans, we are born with a natural desire to learn and discover. With space exploration, we are able to do just that. In an online essay called “Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost”, Dr. Joan Vernikos,
I believe that continuing space exploration is vital for the success of humanity and is need to advance that world we live in trough technological advancement, discovering of possible resources, and means to address global
It is impossible to stimulate our economy or to find new things in space without a space effort. The space exploration has only begun and it has only been happening for four decades so why stop something that only has truly begun.
You hear a lot of people saying that space research is cool but it is typically a waste of money and valuable resources that could be used to benefit our own planet and the many problems that we have all over earth today. But I completely, one hundred percent agree on the further exploration of space for different reasons such as: we are living in a virtual age where everything is done with smart phones and computers and physical exploration is much needed. Second it can actually help the economy in multiple ways not just waste money. Lastly It also guarantees the development of good technology, not only with companies, but among the younger people who need to be inspired through the educational systems we have in America.
Mankind has always been fascinated with exploring the unknown. From sailing to distant lands to someday setting foot on other planets, the spirit of exploration is the same. Bur now with the current economic situation and the high cost of sending people to space, NASA is being looked at as a way to free up some much needed funds. Although, there is many problems here on planet Earth that need addressing, the benefits of space exploration far out weight the disadvantages. Space exploration has given us more advanced technology, advances in the medical field, and a boost to the economy and these facts cannot be disputed.