
United States V. Texas Case Analysis

Decent Essays

The Highest court in the United States is the Supreme Court. The Court consists of nine Justices, 1 Chief and eight Associate Justices. Cases that make it to the supreme courts are cases that have been heard and decided from lower courts at the State level. Which cases get picked? For the Judges to actually hear the case 4 of the 9 justices have to agree to hear the case. The Supreme Court does not have the time to hear every case because of time and resource constraints. Nevertheless, if a petition is granted it goes on the discussion list for approval. The Supreme Court only hears cases that involve federal issues. The Supreme Court will ignore the case that involved issues with the State. To mention a few examples of cases the Supreme Court has heard. First, if a case involves a federal issue. Second, if a case raises a new constitutional question. Finally, if two different appeals court issue two different …show more content…

Texas. In 2014 president Obama announced a set of immigration actions that offered certain immigrants the ability to apply for temporary protection from deportation. The Act targeted immigrant who came to the U.S. as children and have lived here their entire lives. The action would keep millions of families together. However, soon after the initiatives were announced Texas and 25 other sate sued the federal to prevent this implementation. The states argued the administration has overstepped its legal authority to enforce the immigration law. On January 19, 2016 the Supreme Court announced it would accept the case. The Supreme Court accepted the case based off a few reasons. First, the Justices decided this case brought up several federal law questions with the government overstepping their boundaries. Lastly, there was an inconsistency between the Fifth Circuit court and U.S. District Court with two different rulings on a federal issue. The Supreme Court had decided to intervene and clarify the

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