
United States Vs. Virginia Case Study

Decent Essays

The case United States v. Virginia, is about women gaining admission into an all male military college, Virginia Military Institute (VMI). VMI is known for producing strong leaders and women want to be able to join in their tradition and develop strong leadership roles like their male counterparts. This case was brought to action in 1990, a woman in high school wanted to be admitted into the school; however, the school was exclusively male students and they would not allow her. She filed a complaint to the Attorney General. Later on the United States sued Virginia for violating the Equal Protection Clause, which brought this case to the Supreme Court. They started the trial in the Western District Courts of Fourth Circuit. The Western District …show more content…

They didn’t think they would lose the case. However, the trial cost them over ten million dollars and made them a coed institution. During the trial men at the Institution were selling shirts stating “Better dead than coed” (Allen) to show they weren’t ready to accept women into the male only institute. Even some cadets “galled” (Allen) at the idea women joining their programs. of However, their revolting stopped when the seven to one decision happened at the Supreme Court.
Allens article “Defiant V.M.I. to Admit Women, But Will Not Ease Rules for Them.” (1996) connects to the court case United States v Virginia because they talk about all the changes women had to go through when they were admitted. Women had to get crew cuts when they were admitted. They also had to go to through many fitness programs and meet their physical and mental health standards. VMI wouldn’t give women any lee way. The only drastic change they added to their institution was when they added doors to their changing rooms to give women more privacy from the men. Other than that one change, women were treated just the same.
Although, at one point VMI wouldn’t let women apply to their institute because they thought they would win the trial. However, they finally realized that women wouldn’t be a bad effect to the institution. This is how Mike Allen clearly states that opinion that through his

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