
Universal Sharing System: A Case Study

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All Federal agencies of the United States government are experiencing issues and setbacks in one of the most critical areas, if not the most important part of the agencies, information technology. The United States Government lacks a universal solution of sharing IT policies and best practices. This missing virtual Wikipedia across all agencies is creating numerous problems in terms of organization, time, and resources. Many government agencies are using their own repositories that are either outdated and/or incompetent to standards that are questionable, arguably non-existing. Because of the lack of standards, IT productivity and security are at a low. With the increase of technology used across the agencies, it is customary to always adapt …show more content…

The scorecards reveal how IT operations are progressing. Based on the 2014 scores, no agency received an A grade while majority received Ds and Fs. The goal of FITARA is to provide a set of guidance to better manage IT systems. With scores on the lower ends, this raises the question on what the agencies will do to improve moving into the future. If agencies are scoring this low, a universal sharing system will offer collaboration and share solutions to issues one may have. Most of the agencies do not have an architecture in place that offers a goal tracking collaboration tool. A lack of this type of system is wasting time and resources. There is hope however that FITARA is raising awareness and the scorecard grades will improve. The grades are the overall performance, but the elements of each agency will deliver the transformation. Congress and the Office of Management and Budget are offering assistance, but limitations …show more content…

There are efforts from the White House directing a shift to the Office of management and Budget (OMB) along with the Department of Homeland Security, however the efforts are minimal at best. The bridge of this gap potentially is cloud computing. The use of cloud computing services is tricky as it must meet many guidelines of the agencies involving currents IT security and risk management policies. According to current standards, the agency wanting to carry out the cloud computing source must meet all laws and regulations. The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), which is a program that provides the standard for cloud assessment, assists with leverage towards facilitation, however it is not sufficient enough to meet the requirements. Many agencies such as the Department of Energy and Defense Information Systems Agency are using cloud systems, but both for different reasons with no known

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