Discuss MSN Program Learning Outcomes demonstrating the University Principle: Citizenship.
In this evaluation of the American Sentinel’s MSN learning outcome principle of citizenship; an evaluation of the legislation, policies, and economics as applied to my current situation and healthcare environment will be made (Jarrett, 2015).
I believe the MS Nursing Informatics courses have established the awareness of the responsibilities and roles of being a citizen and strategies for being involved in a democratic society as nurses. The core courses of Diverse Populations and Health Care, and Legal/Ethical Health Care Management were the primary courses that demonstrated and taught the outcome of citizenship the most. I feel I have met these requirements
Follow the steps below to complete your essay, and use the links provided to assist with your research and writing. When you have finished your essay,
The objective of this synthesis paper is to present my readers what I have achieved during my graduate program at American Sentinel University (ASU). It assimilates all my course work, clinical experience, and nursing practice during this time, which presents a complete picture of how I accomplished my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) consequences and Nursing Informatics track competencies. This paper will pinpoint my personal philosophy of nursing informatics and give a concise summary of my professional achievements, competencies developed during program of studies, and goals for life-long learning as an informatics nurse. The occupation of nursing is considered as both an art and science. Development of nursing comprises evidence‐based practice and fast integration of advances in technology. It is a field that has extensive uses in healthcare, as well as specialty practice. Educational curriculum and degree/certification are choices for nurses to pursue in this exciting field.
Nicole Rodriguez July, 10, 2016 Fox, C. (2012). Three worlds of relief: Race, immigration, and the American welfare state from the Progressive Era to the New Deal. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. (Ch.11.Only). Analytic Summary
Research the bill. You may find this Activity helpful in conducting research. Find answers to the following questions:
The practice experience in MSN Capstone will enhance all competencies related to certification as an informatics nurse. The goal is an evidenced-based project related to my chosen track in informatics, along with a presentation of the project. Completion of this project should enable me to showcase knowledge gained throughout each course and competencies achieved through courses and practice experiences.
Gaining knowledge to improve nursing practice, patient outcomes, and enhanced leadership skills to strengthen practice and health care delivery. Northern Michigan University's nursing program benefits from a better match of program requirements and credits and time with the credential earned, and enhanced ability to attract individuals to nursing from non-nursing
My interviewee obtained her Master’s in Informatics at the University of Phoenix in 2013. Transitioning into the Master’s program was seamless since this school was where she obtained her BSN. The online route was most efficient and that is the route she pursued. The University of Phoenix Master of Science in nursing degree program is accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (University of Phoenix, 2014). The goal of this program is to equip nurses to function in leadership roles in a variety of settings. Additionally, nursing theories and evidence-based practices are fundamental guidelines in this program that will help shape the future of nursing thus impacting the health care system (University of Phoenix, 2014). More specifically, the informatics program afford students to gain knowledge in data management and information technology in regard to the health care setting (University of Phoenix, 2014).
The core and specialization courses at ASU are designed to fulfil the desired program outcome. The MSN core courses cover a wide range nursing theories, role developments and strategic changes that have occurred since the inception of nursing as a profession. Research, EBP, statistical analysis, advanced pharmacology and
The first course that significantly caused me to grow as a person and professional was Introduction to Sociology, which I took at Colby College prior to transferring to the University of Southern Maine. Through this course, we discussed topics such as race, gender, and personal biases. I believed this course strengthened my critical thinking skills, challenged my underlying assumptions and beliefs, and instructed me to be able to identify injustices. These are all skills very important to have as a nurse, which is interesting, as I did not know that this
“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America.” Without the right that the Constitution brings us, we wouldn’t have rights therefore the United States wouldn’t be a good place to live in. The Constitution brings us the right of freedom of speech (first amendment) , the right to bear arms (second amendment), and the right to protect against unreasonable government actions such as search and seizure of person property (fourth amendment). Being an American citizen means that you have rights that they would like you to fulfil. As an American citizen is it voluntary to vote, but others are required such as obeying the law and paying taxes. The Magna Carta, John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government, and the Petition of Rights explains the rights and the responsibilities of an American citizen.
As I began my search for the University where I want to pursue my MSN in Nursing Informatics, I came across Walden University and was greatly touched by its mission and vision statements since it reflected my own personal goals in many ways. Walden University’s vision of “advancing the greater global good” (Walden University, 2011b, para. 1) is very much similar to my personal goal of having a positive impact on people’s lives. The Walden environment will expose me to people from diverse backgrounds and cultures and thereby will add to my knowledge and enable me to have a better understanding of people.
Becoming a nurse has always been an aspiration of mine, I’ve always wanted a job that uses my caring nature and becoming a nurse seems like the perfect fit. Any job can be rewarding but working in the medical field where you can help save lives, make differences and be supportive at a person’s time of need is at the top of my list when I think of a rewarding career. I am choosing this course because I love learning new things and with a nursing career no day will be the same as the day before, so you will constantly be learning new skills, plus there are many different areas of nursing that you can go in to, so this will enable me to put my skills that I already have in to use but also learn completely new things.
So what does citizenship means to me? Is it just a piece of paper that says you are a citizen of a country or does it mean something more in a deeper level. When I was just a little boy my mother always talks about that when we move to the United States we should apply for citizenship immediately. As I was growing up here in the United States I slowly understand what citizenship means to me. Being a citizen for me is fulfilling my obligations toward my country, Living a lifestyle that benefits myself and my community and having good sense of patriotism.
For Aristotle the human is "by nature" destined to live in a political association. Yet not all who live in the political association are citizens, and not all citizens are given equal share in the power of association. The idea of Polity is that all citizens should take short turns at ruling (VII, 1332 b17-27). It is an inclusive form of government: everyone has a share of political power. Aristotle argues that citizen are those who are able to participate in the deliberative and judicial areas of government (III, 1279a32-34). However, not all who live in a political association are citizens. Women, children, slaves, and alien residents are not citizens. Some groups; the rich, the poor, those who
There is no doubt that the health care system is constantly changing and working to improve its flaws, to the best of its ability. Whether nurses like it or not we are a part of the ever changing health care system. “With more than 3 million members, the nursing profession is the largest segment of the nation’s health care workforce” (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010, p. 1). The Institute of Medicine believes that nurses should be active in transforming the profession of nursing, along with the health care system. Regardless, of backgrounds, race, and age all nurses can contribute to the future of the nursing profession. The following paper will discuss the Institute of Medicine’s nursing expectations and recommendations, as well as the opportunity to becoming a clinical nurse instructor.