Identification of Unknown Organic Compounds by Melting Point, Boiling Point, Infrared and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Background and Method In the previous labs we were experimenting with different methods so that we can find different physical properties of the known compound. However, this lab report is a little different as it gives us two unknown compounds where we have to use the prior knowledge we have gotten in the other labs to ensure that we know exactly how to ultimately find the correct molecular structure of the unknown compounds. Therefore in this lab, we had to perform elemental analysis, boiling point, infrared (IR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopies (NMR) and melting point. Thus, the main objective of this lab was to ensure that the students knew how apply the techniques from the previous labs and interpret the spectroscopy data to formulate the correct structure of the compound. We were assigned G and H. G was the solid and H was the liquid unknown compound. That being said the first step was the elemental analysis. Thus, the very first step was the identification of the …show more content…
The theory for the melting point is that it helps with the indication of how pure a substance is, also it helps in figuring out the melting point of the purer substances, sharper melting points belong to more pure substances (Online Labs). Also melting points can be affected by the size of the molecule and intermolecular forces (Online Labs). Melting point was measured using the melting point apparatus. That being said it is very important to ensure that there is minimal impurities or the apparatus is not overly heated, this will lead to inaccurate data as it will give the wrong readings (Landrie, 193). The best way to ensure that the most accurate measurement is gotten to cool the apparatus to 10 -15 degree Celsius then taking the measured when it is heated to 1-2 degrees Celsius (Landrie,
What Is The Unknown White Compound By Alexander Medina Lab Partners Maxwell Yurs, Eugene Floersch, Mesih Harri Abstract A white compound is found, but its identity is unknown.
They ruled this combination out by comparing its physical and chemical properties to those of the mystery mixture. One of the differences between the mystery mixture and the mixture of MgSO4, C6H8O7, and NaHCO3 is during the chemical reaction. During the reaction of the mystery mixture the bubbles and only about one centimeter high. During the reaction of MgSO4, C6H8O7, and NaHCO3, the bubbles were approximately one inch tall. Another difference during the chemical reaction was the time that the two mixtures fizzed. The mystery mixture fizzed for about 3 minutes and 14 seconds. The combination of MgSO4, C6H8O7, and NaHCO3 fizzed for approximately 5 minutes and 47 seconds. Thirdly, the eighth-grade scientists decided to eliminate MgSO4, C6H8O7, and NaHCO3 as a possibility to be the mystery mixture because during the reaction the mystery mixture's temperature was 16.5oC at the end of the reaction. While the combination of MgSO4, C6H8O7, and NaHCO3 ended up at 17.6oC. Finally, the scientist knew that they could rule out the mixture of MgSO4, C6H8O7, and NaHCO3 is because they noticed that the chunks in the mystery mixture were not shiny, but very dull, and the lumps in the mix of MgSO4, C6H8O7, and NaHCO3
The primary goal of this laboratory is to correctly identify an unknown substance. To achieve this task, one may use various tests that reveal both chemical and physical properties of a substance. By comparing the results of a known substance and the unknown substance, one may eliminate alternative possibilities and more accurately predict the undisclosed compound. Furthermore, by performing these tests, data can be collected and verified regarding chemical and physical properties of the unknown. Understanding the chemical properties of a known substance aids one’s understanding of the unknown based on comparative analysis of the results of the tests.
Discussion: As seen in the melting point determination, the average melting point range of the product was 172.2-185.3ºC. The melting points of the possible products are listed as 101ºC for o-methoxybenzoic acid, 110ºC for m- methoxybenzoic acid, and 185ºC for p- methoxybenzoic acid. As the melting point of the sample
In the first part of the experiment (identifying the chemical makeup of the unknown compound
Identifying this organic acid was an extensive task that involved several different experiments. Firstly, the melting point had to be determined. Since melting point can be determined to an almost exact degree, finding a close melting point of the specific unknown can accurately point to the identification of the acid. In this case the best melting point
Melting range would be closely related to a mixed sample whose constituents are most identical. In other words, melting point will have a wide range and would be below 200°C and above 95°C.
An unknown was given to our group from the professor. The unknown was in nutrient broth, the group received unknown number 3. And the task was to identify the unknown and try to make an educated guess, and identify the unknown #3.
The guiding question of this ADI lab was, “What are the identities of the unknown compounds?” The goal of this lab was to understand the relationships between moles and molar mass to find the identity of unknown compounds. The mole can be used to measure small amounts of a substance or is used to convert from unit to unit using dimensional analysis. One mole is equivalent to the molar mass in grams of that substance. If you start with the moles of an unknown substance, multiply it by a given compound’s molar mass, and then divide it by however many moles are in the compound of your choice, you will get the mass of the compound. With that answer you can then compare with mass of the compound in the bag to determine its identity. We first started
Aim: To classify unknown substances according to their structure type and to observe how the structure of materials affects their uses.
Atoms are the basic units of matter and all life is based on them. Life on earth is based on the element carbon. It is a highly versatile atom able to form four covalent bonds with itself or other atoms such as hydrogen and water. Atoms combine to form molecules and those that are carbon based are referred to as organic molecules. Organic molecules occur in four different types in living cells; carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. They are also known as hydrocarbons due to the presence of both hydrogen and carbon. Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 1:2:1. They are important sources of energy and are classified in three main groups; monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides.
Purpose: To use indicators to test for the presence of organic compounds in certain substances.
The objective of this lab was to use qualitative and quantitative measurements and observations to properly identify, and then confirm the identity of an unknown compound. After identification, the compound would have to be synthesized, in our case, through an acid-base reaction, followed by confirming its identity with the original unknown compound.
Organic compounds are, by definition, any chemical compound containing carbon. These compounds include carbohydrates, polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Each one of these compounds has a different purpose. Carbohydrates give energy to cells when consumed. Lipids are basically the fats of a cell. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle in a cell. Nucleic acids are used to transfer genetic information from one cell to the other.
The objectives of this lab are, as follows; to understand what occurs at the molecular level when a substance melts; to understand the primary purpose of melting point data; to demonstrate the technique for obtaining the melting point of an organic substance; and to explain the effect of impurities on the melting point of a substance. Through the experimentation of three substances, tetracosane, 1-tetradecanol and a mixture of the two, observations can be made in reference to melting point concerning polarity, molecular weight and purity of the substance. When comparing the two substances, it is evident that heavy molecule weight of tetracosane allowed