
Unrealistic Beauty Standards Research Paper

Good Essays

Raleigh Felton
Professor Johnson
October 4th, 2016
Effects of Unrealistic Beauty Standards

There are obvious unrealistic beauty standards in today’s delusional society, which are resulting in mental and physical health problems in young girls. The media is fixated on what the perfect girl should look like and girls are practically killing themselves to look that way. Between photo shop and filters, people are able to make anyone look “perfect”. Many people in our society do not realize that the pictures they see in magazines and online are fake and photo shopped to the point where it does not even look like the same person. Girls end up doing unnatural things to try to achieve this look because, they think that’s how a “healthy” girl is supposed …show more content…

It is a disorder where you have an actual fear of food! Media has convinced young girls that they are not skinny enough and that they are unhealthy if they eat more than a pea for each meal. According to, one out of two-hundred girls suffer from anorexia and half of all Americans know someone with an eating disorder. More than a thousand girls a year die from anorexia. This is an obvious display of just how serious the issue at hand really is. Other symptoms include extremely slow heart rate, osteoporosis, muscle loss, and fatigue (Anorexia Facts). Some of the more serious cases can actually result in the girl not being able to have children. The stress that these girls are putting on their bodies displays just how unrealistic these standards are. Think about this, the average American women is 5’4” and weighs 165 pounds while the average Miss America winner is 5’7” and weighs 121 pounds. No wonder so many girls have self-esteem …show more content…

A huge cause of depression in girls is body image issues. It all starts when they are starting to develop and most girls begin to become dissatisfied with their body image, which is most likely from the media bombarding them with unrealistic standards. They start to fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others. They begin to notice certain things such as not being skinny enough or not having flawless skin, which leads to them disliking how they look. They see the women in magazines or online with smooth skin and a flat stomach and they begin to strive to look like that until it has completely consumed them. There are fifteen-year-old girls on Instagram and Facebook editing their photos so much that they look like they are seniors in college! The fact is, the size the models are is actually unachievable for most women, but they don’t realize that and end up hating themselves because they can’t reach that goal of the “perfect”

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