Shakespeare again provides more evidence of how adolescents show unwise decisions by using the characterization of Romeo and Juliet getting married without considering their situations. Juliet claims that she has fallen so deeply in love that she has become rich with it, “But my true love is grown to such excess I cannot sum up sum of half my wealth”(Shakespeare II•III•33-34). Characterization of Juliet being so deeply in love with Romeo while their families hate each other only reinforces the claim that adolescents make unwise decisions. This relationship could cause even more anger between the two families and is very selfish since the Capulets are against the Montagues which might leave other members of the family feeling betrayed. Juliet
Even seemingly easy decisions can have negative repercussions if all of the options are not fully weighed. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare the major flaw in Romeo’s character is that he had such deep feelings and often didn’t think about the consequences of his actions. Romeo made too many irrational decisions without taking time to fully weigh all of his options.
In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet, we meet the characters and how their actions led to a tragedy. Romeo and Juliet met, end up falling in love, and – since both cannot dream of living without the other – take their lives. While the play ends in a tragic death for both characters, it was their own reckless decisions; though others might believe that it was destiny that played a large role in the lovers’ downfall. However, the majority of the text evidence points to them making their own choices leading to their demise.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. Both Romeo and Juliet are young and sprightly teenagers, Romeo being 15-16 and Juliet with the age of 13. They are teens that make impulsive decisions without thinking about the consequences. David Dobbs the author of the article “Beautiful Brains” explains why teenagers act the way they do throughout scientific research and studies. This article helps to understand Romeos and Juliets actions which led to their deaths.
After Lord Capulet orders Juliet to marry Paris, Juliet stands in the orchard, visibly distressed. She voices her troubles to the Nurse and asked for her sympathy. When the Nurse told Juliet to give up and marry Paris, Juliet feels betrayed that someone so close to her and someone who prior, had approved of Romeo, is now telling her that she should be unfaithful to him. She tells the Nurse to leave, stating that she can no longer confide in her and that she is going to seek the aid of Friar Lawrence but warns if he has no solution, she will take it upon herself to end her own life.This behavior is especially unlike Juliet because she is making rash decisions but on the other hand, this tested her loyalty to Romeo, to whom she stayed true but
Rushing and taking impulsive actions can be goo sometimes, but mostly can lead to a downfall. I Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, readers enter he city of Verona and observe two lover struggle to keep there love alive. In William Shakespeare’s Rome and Juliet, the lover’s own decisions to rush marriage, family member deaths, and dying for each other revel how impulsive choices lead to their untimely death.
Destiny, something we determine or is your fate already set in stone? Pity and tragedy words used to describe William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet for hundreds of years. The play was tragic in the end, but Romeo and Juliet's last breaths were the cause of their own irrational decisions.
One of Shakespeare's most famous play is about love. Set in Verona,Italy. Star crossed lovers are from feuding families. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most tragic love stories involving love,death,and betrayal. In Romeo and Juliet,Shakespeare presents the idea love can lead people to make irrational decisions.
Romeo led several people to their defeat because of the irrational choices that he made. He speaks boldly, but when he comes to action, he behaves like a coward. When he was challenged by Tybalt, the Prince of Cats, he refused to fight, therefore ending his best friend’s life, Mercutio. His quick actions overcome his words and the situation mostly concludes with failure. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo made a rash and desperate decision to fall into love with Juliet resulting in death and sorrow.
The Thorns of Love childrens’ author Bryan Davis once said, “Don’t make rash decisions while the world is dark. Wait for the light to make all things clear.” If only poor Romeo and Juliet could’ve heard this quote and taken the advice, perhaps they wouldn’t have met such a terrible fate. It has been said that teenagers make hasty, rash decisions based purely on emotions, while it can also be argued that different feelings and circumstances can cause extreme reactions. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, two young teenagers of rival families fall in love, but their secret, in combination with their families’ feud, ultimately causes their premature death by suicide.
Romeo and Juliet killed themselves, but how did it happen? Was it destiny or their own actions? A lot of it was them trying to hide, but Romeo got in trouble, so it was by their own individual choice that they died. Romeo had made some wrong decisions. First one was going too quickly with Juliet as he met her on Sunday and is marrying her on Monday as Juliet said “of love be honorable thy purpose marriage” and Romeo replied “by the hour of nine”(Shakespeare page 40-42) this evidence explains that they married one day after as they are speaking at night on the day before.
The juvenile mind, still developing until around age 25, often leads to irrational decisions that adults may not realize. This vulnerability is explored in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. This story of young love between two teenagers led to a tragic fate. The interference of other adults ultimately caused the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because of the family feud and their own misguided actions. Warring in the city of Verona, the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues drove Romeo and Juliet to their tragic end.
“A pair of star-crossed lovers.” A phrase that leads readers to believe that they have been destined, as determined by the heavenly planets and stars, to end in “the fearful passage of their death-marked love.” In the bustling city of Verona, Italy, William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet intertwines themes of one’s irrational decisions, devout love, and their unintended consequences. Further, within the narrative, the irrationality of the characters’ decisions, derived from impulsivity, ironically sealed their fate. Juliet, after various moments of doubt, chose to consume the potion given to her by Friar Lawrence.
We all undoubtedly make some of the dumbest decisions ever, that seem great at first, but they don’t always end up being that way. Sometimes these dumb decisions come on our own, but there’s always that “Bonnie and Clyde” thing where you have someone helping you like a partner in crime, yeah we all have that person. In the case of “The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet” ( the name says it all), that partner in crime for Juliet’s dumb decisions is Friar Lawrence. The Friar helped marry Romeo and Juliet, whose families have been enemies since forever, and he also gave Juliet a potion to help make her fake her death, and he knew that the potion might kill her, but still gave it her anyways.
Shakespeare does this by noting how Romeo and Juliet do not actually love each other. This is represented by Romeo and Juliets actions and rash decision making. Their decisions are very impulsive and rushed. As a result, it impacted them negatively in the future and as well as their relationship. Romeo and Juliet’s love for each other is not actually how love really is. They’ve mistakenly confused lust for love.
Teenagers brains aren’t fully developed during their teenage years, and this partially explains why Romeo made juvenile and naive decisions throughout Romeo and Juliet. In an article by David Dobbs, he states, “This process of maturation, once thought to be largely finished by elementary school, continues throughout adolescence.” This quote is relevant because it may have a say in the explanation of Romeo’s irrational decisions that I am about to discuss disregarding his fate. For example, in Act 3 Scene 1, Romeo states, “Now Tybalt, take the villain back again, either Thou, or both must go with him.” Romeo seeks revenge on Tybalt after Tybalt killed Mercutio.