American Class Perspectives Essay – Option 1 The American class system, which is comprised of: the lower class, middle class, and upper class is divided up by power and the ability to control situations around us. With slavery abolished and racism on the decline, there still remains a link between the predominate race in the upper class and lower class of America. The upper class is comprised of mostly privileged white Americans and the lower class is comprised of predominantly minority’s. The hierarchy of this wealth distribution must break down in order to reassemble in a fashion that benefits all members of all classes in this country. One key factor that is often attributed to success is education; therefore, educating all members of society to a similar baseline could right the offset that the lower class and upper privileged class currently have. Marginalized Society Part of the issue that modern society has with power distribution is the desire to marginalize those who strive to take it away. Confining the boundaries of power distribution fractures the possibility upward mobility and creates large walls rather than lines that can be crossed from one class to another (Fiske-Rusciano, 2013). Herein lies the prejudice and discrimination; consequently, if a small Mom and Pop shop has a successful business, any children of the couple would likely have a greater opportunity to take over as a family member rather than a more qualified outsider. The discrimination may seem
I think Montsios’ point that, “Class standing has a significant impact on the chance for educational achievement” (Monsios 193). I think this statement is very true, because it is very apparent that there is a huge education gap in the United States due to income. People of higher incomes can have the luxury of sending their kids to better schools, private or public, and have the ability to give them a college education without having to worry about the financial costs, while people of lower classes cannot have this luxury. This is absolutely ridiculous, because this country was founded on the idea of equality, and having an equal and free country to pursue opportunity. Just like the educational side of this, people also struggle with in the sense of survival and
In the first article titled “Class in America” by Gregory Mantsios the discussion on class affecting the United States negatively is brought up. Gregory talks about the fact that people do not choose to be poor but they are put into situations where they cannot move up in class. Due to the fact that class creates an immense gap in communities, there are many issues linked to being categorized as the lower class. In the article Gregory states that “class affects more than lifestyle and material well being. It has a significant impact on our physical and mental well-being as well.” CITE) The author connects the idea that if you are in the lower class than you will also deal with other issues include your mental and physical health declining. Alongside this idea, the author also states “All Americans do not have an equal opportunity to succeed, and class mobility in the United States is lower than that of the rest of the industrialized world. (CITE) This goes along with the idea that once your born into a class, breaking out of it is virtually impossible. The author is also making the point that in the United States class is more problematic than other developed nations and because of this not everyone is given the chance to break free from a poor lifestyle.
Is it true that social class in the United States is still a major problem? Some individuals would like to believe that we are a nation that no longer has social classes, and that everyone is much better off than they were many years ago. William Sumner and Jane Addams were two talented writers, who had different outlooks on social class. William Graham Sumner wrote “What Social Classes Owe to Each Other” in 1883. Sumner essential question that he asking is, “What do social classes owe to each other?” he is ultimately saying that they owe each other nothing. In the book he asks vital important questions, which makes you ponder. Sumner was a sociologist at Yale University and a great individual of classical laissez-faire. In this book Sumner is tackling the attempt to adjust economy and improve social problems. On the other hand, Jane Addams is known as a peace activist. She published “Democracy and Social Ethics” in 1902. This book indicates the issues that delay the capability of all individuals of society to establish their own comfort. Addams came from a privileged family and dedicated her life to other women. She advocated for women’s rights, and labor rights, and she was among the first generation of college-educated women in the United States. This essay will analyze the important aspects of comparing and contrasting social inequality, poverty, and education.
The lower class consisted primarily of Native Americans, African Americans, and impoverished whites. Author, Howard Zinn revealed many examples that showed the congregation of lower class individuals, in spite of their differences “ In spite of such seventeenth century, there is evidence that where whites and blacks found themselves with common problems, common work, common enemy in their master, they behaved toward one another as equals. As one scholar of slavery, Kenneth Stampp, has put it, Negro and white servants of the seventeenth century were “remarkably unconcerned about the visible physical differences” (Zinn 68).When it came down to real talk, the lower class rose above their differences and worked together to achieve one common goal, freedom. However, the upper class knew they wouldn't be able to withhold all the power with the lower class citizens joining forces. The upperclass attempted to divide the lower class by the separation of race, sexuality, and wars and ideas of war. In between this conflict lied the middle class, who struggled to chose, as they were tempted by the upper class wealth. Although early settlers envisioned a country of liberty and equality, the upper class used their wealth and power to obstruct the lower class from achieving complete freedom, which lead to the oppression of lower class individuals.
In January 2013 a prominent national US newspaper quoted former Secretary of State, Condolezza Rice, “It doesn’t matter where you come from, but where you are going.” However, In “The Land of Opportunity,” James Loewen discusses how significant inequality is in America. The social class that you are born into will influence your outlook on social class and will also be the social class you stay in (Loewen, 1995. 322). Your social class will determine the opportunities available for you including health, fitness, nutrition, education, SAT scores, medical resources and more (Loewen, 1995. 321-322). Loewen also proposes that the education system in America does not incorporate a proper analysis of our social class (Loewen, 1995. 323). It is
Income inequality has been seen throughout different societies. It has always been separated with the poor on bottom and the rich on top. Most societies in past and present have had little to no movement between the separations of classes. The reality for the poor in most of those societies is that they can almost never get to the level and quality of life of the rich. America compared to other societies in our past and present is a society that strongly believes in the idea of “The American Dream”. The American Dream gives hope to some people below the rich that they can someday be as prosperous as the rich if they work hard enough for it and show that they are capable. This idea implies that it is possible for anyone whether the person is middle or low class. It is not possible for low-income workers in America to move to the upper class because they lack the resources for better jobs, they are racially or ethnically discriminated in the workforce and the upper class takes most of the income in the US.
For this summary and response essay my audience is my Ivy Tech English class, and Professor Jo Johnson. The class and I have all been assigned to look into a core reading covering some form of economic justice. The essay I am writing will cover the topics and provide insights on the economy and politics of the unofficial class system present in the United States, in specific, that of the Middle class. It points out flaws and various ways the middle class is mistaken and manipulated. It also provides a deeper look into if the Americans who consider themselves part of this middle class truly have it as bad as some say.
The more money and well-off a family is, generally the better education their children will have. This is due to the fact that tutors, extra programs, summer camps, private schooling, etc. are expensive and only available to those who can afford it. This illustrates that this nation does not have an even playing field of opportunities for students. (“Class in America-2006” pg. 155, Gregory Mantsios)
Income Inequality is a major problem that has been going on in America for decades. Many people feel that it barely exists today, but those people are very uneducated and don’t really care about the huge problem in front of them the many people that feel that way are highly uneducated, and seem to not really care about which has been gradually increasing instead of decreasing. Unfortunately, there’s not much that can be done, only of course if the poor class of people decide to actually educate themselves and get a higher education. One says poor class, simply because that’s how they’re classified. There are five types of levels that Americans are classified as, and they are: Upper Class, Upper Middle Class, Middle Class, Working Class, Poor. The highest percentage of Americans fall in the Poor department, and it has been that way for decades, and will continue to be that way for decades to come.
Race still predominantly plays a role in everyday classism. Discriminatory housing practices traps minorities in the lower class for generations. Moreover, America’s healthcare system unfair to people who have low income. Also, Public transportation does not properly serve the needs of those who use it; as well as, it makes it formidable to secure, and maintain a stable job. Additionally, education for the poor unequal in graduation rates; along with, a social polarization against lower class students. Classism in America is an old, yet consistent problem that, creates an unfair economic divide of
The inequality of education in the United States is a pressing societal issue that has been the main catalyst for the division between the social classes. Education is a public good, and thus if it used by one consumer then it will not reduce the availability to another consumer. Education can also be considered the largest single factor in determining a person’s success and quality of life in society today.
Throughout time one of the most obvious class markers has been education and it still remains so. People who belong to the higher classes view education as a higher priority and have more access to the best school in the country. When stuck in lower classes people must attend schools where books, computers, and education are not found at the same level. An article in the Atantic Times mentions that “ Kids who belong to lower social classes fell behind children in the upper classes by about a year or so.” Today, that gap is close to four years.” For those in the upper class their kids are placed in an abundance of classes from an early age such as foreign language, art, and many sports. Children who are in lower classes have no way of getting a head start when compared to children in higher classes Sarah Garland also mentions how “ When children have plenty of time to build social skills and bigger vocabularies in short term reduce their chances of
In the suburbs of London, tensions between the upper class and lower class began to arise. Southwich, a small town, was split in half; one side belonged to the wealthy and the other to the peasants. Oliver and Isabelle, ruler of the town had complete control over the peasants and had the efficacy to destroy and steal the peasant’s homes and food. The lower class had no freedom and faced incessant brutality from the upper class. One day a noble approached a rebellious man named Hugo stating that he brings reproach upon his family. He had no sense of trepidation when the noble threatened to kill him and his family. Furious, Hugo threw an inexorable punch at the noble. The noble plummeted to the floor, hitting a stone statue. From that moment
The political system works in a way to make everyone equal and provide individuals with similar opportunities. Many citizens of the United States complain due to the logic of poor individuals’ purchases, but still are required to benefit these people with their hard earned money. A possible solution would be giving more money to school funding, which in correlation would increase to higher levels of education and success in career fields. The majority of the poor population that is currently government funded will never be encouraged to work due to the benefits we provide them. By doing this, individuals of wealth will show more respect towards
America is often enamored of itself as the champion of equality in every aspect of its society; however, this is often not the case. This is true in every aspect of life, but is very evident specifically in the American education system. Although America claims to give an equal education to all, regardless of any external factors, economic class often plays a role in what type and how good of an education a student may receive. Since education is the basis for future success, this inequity resulting from socioeconomic status implies that this is where inequality in everyday life starts, and that the system generates this inequality. If this is true, then one might ask, what then is the purpose of education? If economic class predetermines