
Upper Division Psychology Study

Decent Essays


102 students, 72 females, and 16 males and 14 who did not identify in upper division psychology classes from Missouri Southern State University participated in my experiment in return for extra credit. The age of the participants ranged from 19-74 years old with a mean of 25.53 (SD=9.06).
For my experiment, I created a survey (Appendix A) asking certain demographic questions. Additionally focusing on GPA, length of time to get a college degree, how they feel about their overall college success, their family structure, and number of children. To measure college success, I asked for GPA and questions such as the total time they had been in college and how long it would take them to complete their degree. I also included self-report questions to allow me to gather information about the participants’ overall experience in college. Some question asks, “How do you feel you do as a college student?” and …show more content…

I then gave a brief description of my study. I then distributed consent forms for those who wanted to participate. As students were reading the consent forms, I went over it stating you have to be 18 years old and that my study is about family structure and college success. Then for those who wanted to participate, I informed them to sign and date the inform consent and they would be handed a survey for their consent form. I then put the consent forms in a separate folder, while

participant filled out the survey. I then stated that they please answer all the questions and raise the survey up once finished and I will give them a debriefing form for the survey. After, I collected all the surveys and put them into a separate folder. I informed the participants the study was to understand how GPA, family structure, and having children in or before college related to college success. I then asked if they have any questions, thanked them and

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