
Uranus: My Figure In Greek Mythology

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My figure is Uranus and he represents the sky or heaven.Uranus is important because he ruled the universe. He was the sky, which the Greeks envisioned. He was husband of Gaia and he was her son too. Óranos, that’s the other name he goes for. His mother is GAIA goddess of the earth.Uranus controlled the sky and that what protected the earth.The symbol that represented him was the sky and the universe. The color that Uranus is associated with is light blue and blue because of the sky. Ouranos was the son and husband of Gaea and the first god of the sky. His father is sometimes said to have been Aether (Air). He was the father of the Titans, the Cyclopes, the Hecatonchires, the Erinyes, and the Gigantes, the Meliae, and Aphrodite. He was horrified

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