Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun with the third largest diameter in the entire solar system. Known as “The Ice Giant”, Uranus is very cold and windy. Because of this, it does not have a true structure. Uranus is essentially swirling fluids causing extreme pressures and temperatures to destroy any metal spacecraft that attempts to fly through Uranus’s atmosphere. Surrounded by 27 moons and 13 faint rings, it rotates at a nearly 90-degree angle from the planet of its orbit. With this in mind, the unique tilt makes Uranus rotate in a retrograde direction. Besides Venus, it is the only planet to rotate in the opposite direction than most of the planets. Around 80 percent of Uranus’s mass is made up of a dense hot fluid of icy materials, which are water, methane, and ammonia. The planet gets its blue-green color from the methane gas in the atmosphere. As for the …show more content…
Discovered by William Herschel, Uranus was the first planet discovered during modern times. It was at first mistaken for a star but on March 13, 1781, Herschel discovered it with his telescope. At first, Uranus was named “the Georgium Sidus” but was changed in 1850 to Uranus because it was not from classical mythology like the other planetary names. Only one spacecraft has visited Uranus. According to “Space-Facts.com”, “On January 24, 1986, the Voyager 2 spacecraft swept past the planet at a distance of 81,500 km. It returned the first close-up images of the planet, its moons, and rings.” Voyager 2 also discovered 10 moons additionally to the 5 formerly known. As for adaptability, we will never be able to live on Uranus due to the temperatures, pressures, and materials that define this planet. They are too extreme and erratic for organisms to acclimate to. Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus also has a ring system. Because the particles vary in size from micrometers to a fraction of a meter, the rings are not
In the Solar System there is nine planets total counting Pluto and eight not counting pluto. Named after the Greek god of the underworld Pluto is the ninth of the nine planets from the sun. Pluto was discovered in February 18, 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. Plutos the only orbit planet in the Solar System after it was classified as an orbit planet back in 2006. The planet has nine moons total Charon, Hydra, Nix, Kerberos, and Styx. Although Pluto is the largest Dwarf Planet it's smaller than most moon of the other planets. Alongside Pluto is the eighth planet from the sun otherwise known as Neptune. Due to its blue coloration Neptune was named after the Roman god of the Sea. While neptunes the third largest planet with respect to mass, according to diameter it's the fourth largest. Neptune has 14 moons and a very thin collection of rings that are made up of ice and dust
Uranus is about 3,499,756 football fields! The rotation of Uranus is 17 hours 14 minutes and the revolution of Uranus is equal to about 84 Earth years. Uranus has only been visited by one spacecraft, due to the straight alignment of plants that happens every 187 years. This spacecraft is known by the name of “ Voyager 2”, which flew by Uranus on January 24, 1986. The Voyager 2 has flown by the planets of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and are now in interstellar space since takeoff on August 20, 1977. Uranus’s axis is unique compared to other planets’ axes, as this axis is almost parallel to the ecliptic. Uranus has 27 moons; the two largest are Titania and Oberon. Titania is covered with enormous canyons, one of which stretches from equator to pole. Oberon is relatively the same as Titania, although is ancient surface is covered
Uranus was the very first planet to be discovered since the beginning of recorded history. William Herschel was a man of music, but he was also very interested in astronomy and often studied books about it. His love for astronomy is what ultimately led him to the discovery of the planet.
The stars and its behavior have been studied for thousands of years. An astronomer Sir William Herschel made an important discovery for modern times. He used the telescope as a tool to discover the seventh planet of our solar system which was considered before by the astronomers to be a star. Herschel found the planet through the use of 227 power telescope on the western extremity of the constellation Gemini in search of double stars. The planet was discovered on March 13, 1781. Herschel named the planet Georgium Sidus, or the “Georgian Planet,” in honor of King George III of England. The name was later changed by a German astronomer called Johann Bode who proposed the name “Uranus”.
Saturn: Saturn is the sixth plant from the sun and is the seconded largest in the solar system. Saturn is known as Gas planet It is named after the roman god Agriculture. The atmosphere for Saturn and traces of ammonia, acetylene, ethane, propane, phosphine,methane, Ammonia is what makes the planet look pan yellow. Saturn ring are the most visible rings in the solar system planet is the sparse the thickest ring called Phoebe ring which is tilted at an angle of 27° to the other rings. Uranus: Uranus is the seventh planet away from the sun Uranus is called the ice giant it is the coldest planet in the solar system it can reach up to −224.2 °C all around.
This article written in the Astrobiology Magazine on August 1, 2015 describes the efforts of the teams of the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, and the Hubble Space Telescope in finding a planet that is similar to Jupiter in orbit size and distance from its star, but the size of Uranus. Both of the teams have made their confirmations of the Uranus-like plant, OGLE-2005-BLG-169Lb in the star system OGLE-2005-BLG-169 independently through the method of gravitational microlensing.
Jupiter’s been part of the solar system for about 4.5 billion years. It was officially founded or discovered by Galileo Galilei. He was able to identify the planet with his telescope and see four moons orbiting it. However, Jupiter is so large that you can see it with an unaided eye
“We saw Saturn today whose name comes from the Roman god of agriculture. Tomorrow, we will see the last two planets in our Solar System. First, will be Uranus or the Greek god of the sky and later, Neptune or the Roman god of the sea. These ice giants of frozen water, ammonia, and methane have much fainter rings than Saturn’s dramatic ones. From their far-flung locations at the edge of the Solar System, it takes eighty-four Earth years for Uranus to orbit once around the Sun in comparison with a hundred and sixty-five Earth years for Neptune. Additionally, Neptune is the only planet in the Solar System not visible from Earth without a telescope. Both planets have frozen landscapes, with an average temperature of minus two hundred and twenty-four degrees Celsius for Uranus and minus four hundred degrees Celsius for Neptune. The two planets appear blue due to the reflection of blue light by methane, a primary component in their atmosphere. Furthermore, the twenty-seven moons of Uranus have names from characters of William Shakespeare’s plays such as Juliet, Ophelia, and Puck. In contrast, Neptune’s thirteen moons have names from the Greek sea gods and mythical beings such as Triton and Larissa.”
In 1781 William Herschel, discovered the planet we know today as Uranus. Herschel, who had been raised in a musical family, was an amateur astronomer who enjoyed charting the sky in sections each night. Herschel used his skills in music to fund his passions for astronomy and building telescopes. Through his nightly charting, Herschel discovered Uranus. Initially, Herschel thought it was a comet because of its slightly askew shape, however upon further exploration he found it to be a planet. Herschel confirmed his discovery by contacting Nevil Maskelyne. Maskelyne was the astronomer royal. Herschel named the planet ‘Georgium Sidus’ after King George III. France would not use the name, calling the
The characteristics of Uranus are vastly different from the ones on Earth, as Uranus cannot support any form of life. There is much to Uranus that makes it impossible for us to live on. Things such as temperature, the atmosphere, and it’s distance from the sun. The atmosphere has gases that make it impossible for us to live on. Since there are so many gasses that we cannot tolerate, there is a minimal amount of oxygen on Uranus. In fact, the whole planet is a gas giant, which means it is completely made of gas. Therefore, no life form would be able to live on Uranus, due to the fact that you cannot walk on Uranus.
Pluto is the outer most planet of our solar system or it used to be until it was classified as a dwarf planet. The tiny planet is only 1473 miles in diameter. frozen methane and nitrogen cover the landscape as well as ice. Pluto is one of the coldest places in our solar system roughly negative 220 degrees C. the atmosphere is made up of methane, nitrogen and carbon monoxide, the atmosphere extends about 1600 km above the surface. the surface is about 70% rock and 30% ice. we know that there is water available but it is frozen. The gravity of Pluto is about 0.62m/s2. Pluto has 5 moons and is about 39.48AU away from the sun resulting in such low temperatures.
Jupiter Research Jupiter is the fifth and largest planet in our solar system. This gas giant has a thick atmosphere, 17 moons, and a dark, barely-visible ring. Its most prominent features are bands across its latitudes and a great red spot, (which is a storm). Jupiter is composed mostly of gas.
I’ve always been interested in the arts, always one to doodle on papers in class, and run to the sidewalk chalk during recess. But over time, that love of creativity that had invariably been a part of my personality slowly trickled away. Perhaps it was lack of motivation, likely my depression played a part, maybe it was just a part of growing up, whatever the cause, during the beginning of my freshman year of high school, I found that I hadn’t created a single sketch, much less a finished project, in over a year. I’d packed up my pencils and put away my brushes for what seemed to be the last time. That all changed the day I walked into that museum and found my love of art rekindled into the burning passion it had once been. The glorious modern building of the Kimbell Art Museum became my refuge, my second home, and most importantly the inspiration for the next phase of my life.
This paper will provide information on the volcanoes of Hawaii, where it is known to be the home of one of the world’s largest volcanic islands, merely second to Iceland. It is not just the beautiful landscapes and wildlife that spark the interest to this particular area, but the uniqueness of the Hawaiian volcanoes and islands themselves are what make the area so significant. There will be information spanning from the history of the origin of the islands to how Hawaii must adjust to the volcanic hazards in order to keep the area livable. With these ideas in mind, I will first address background information on the area and set the scene as to what makes this area so special. Then I will transition to the history of how the
Saturn is one of the most interesting planets in the solar system. It is the sixth planet in the solar system, and is most famous for its stunning array of rings. It is a very easy planet to pick out in the sky because it is one of the brightest lights in the shy. It also has a very faint greenish color that makes it stand out from the rest of the objects in the sky (“Astronomy for Kids”). Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter being the only planet that is bigger. It also has at least eighteen moons, more than any other planet in the solar system. There have been three voyages to this extraordinary planet, and one is still in process today. The Pioneer II traveled to Saturn in September of 1979,