
Urban Education Essay

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Baltimore, struggling with kids not behaving and unable to strive in the classroom, came up with a solution. The Baltimore school district knew they needed to take action and do something drastic when they became aware that 61 percent of the African American students were not graduating high school and of that percentage 50 percent ended up in jail (CITE). The drastic measures the school district took is twenty at-risk-kids are sent to Baraka School in Kenya each year without electronics, unless given permission, to live and attend school there for two years. This solution was implemented in response to the low graduation rates to take the inner city influence away from these kids and put them into a small, isolated area where they are able …show more content…

Teachers in these big urban schools don’t invest as much time into their students as small suburban schools do. The class sizes are big and the teachers can’t attend to every students needs so students start to fall behind. Falling too far behind, it begins to be too difficult for them to catch up and meet the academic requirements. As the Baltimore education documentary showed, some of the twelve year old boys still could not read, yet the teacher in the Baltimore school didn’t even know this because of how many students they have. Not only are the class sizes substantial, the working environment is neglected and despaired from previous years. The students destroy the schools throughout the years and because of budget cuts, the students are still being educated in these dilapidated, neglected schools. In suburban communities, people along with community members fund the schools and help out to make the school district excel. In urban cities it is harder to receive the funding because in most cases, the schools are surrounded by poverty. It is also problematic to attract quality teachers into these areas when they don’t have favorable work environments, the students are struggling with poor home conditions, and the pay isn’t adequate due to many budget cuts. Because of budget cuts, the schools have to cut more after-school activities, giving the students more reasons to not value school, misbehave, and not be

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