
Urban Outfitters Executive Summary

Decent Essays

I chose Urban Outfitters and Trader Joe’s as my industries to analyze. The purpose was to see how each of the two industries website appeals to three company stakeholders which include employees, customers, and the media. Urban Outfitters is an American multinational clothing corporation while Trader Joe’s is an American privately held chain of specialty grocery stores. Employees and customers are viewed as primary stakeholders, meaning they are fundamental to a company’s operations and survival. Media is a secondary stakeholder, so it does not usually engage in direct transactions with a company making it not essential for its survival. What a company shows on their website is meant to appeal to particular stakeholders, it just depends on …show more content…

Urban Outfitters appeals to the customer by plastering on their home page a tab that says sales and by stating “Free Shipping over $50 + free returns.” There is not a single customer I know that does not like saving money and getting discounts. On their website, they also have tabs on their home page labeled “Women’s, Men’s, Apartment, Music + Tech, Beauty, Intimates, Sale, and Blog” these different tabs make it so customers are able to narrow down their search if they are just looking rugs, they can click the apartment tab an be able to find a rug easier. Urban Outfitters does not really address to employees or future employees because on the very bottom of their home page is a link labeled “work @ Urban” and then directed me or a person looking for a job opportunity to click on “Current Openings” to start my search. Aside from the job opportunity hard to locate, getting a job is not very reassuring because at the bottom of their “How to Apply” page it says, “Cross your fingers and check your spam folder.” Urban Outfitters is a fan of stakeholder generated media through their “UO Blog” and their statement of saying “follow us on Instagram @UrbanOutfitters.” Their goal through the use of media is to have their products advertised for free on social media for people to see and like the product and actually know where the …show more content…

Trader Joe’s has a tab labeled “Our Story” on their home page that benefits both customers and employees. Both customers and employees like to know where a company came from and how it came to be what it is today. Trader Joe’s is very considerate of its customers and tries to make it easy for them to buy what they want even if they have certain food allergies or preferences. To elaborate, on the bottom of their website, under “dietary lists,” there is gluten free, kosher, and vegan. Trader Joe’s website points out that their products will say on them if they meet any of these dietary needs, it is just up to the customer to look for them. Their website also provides links for customers to use to help answer any questions they may have. These links are located on the bottom of their website and are labeled “Contact Us, FAQs, and Sitemap.” This allows customers to search for answers or to be able to call a person and ask them a question. Lastly, to accommodate to customers, Trader Joe’s has a “TJ'S Test Kitchen” link which provides a picture of a meal and a recipe below it on how to make it. Trader Joe’s is focused on employees because “Careers” is a main tab on the top of their home page. It also wants current and future employees to feel welcome by providing links saying

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