
Urban Transportation Modeling Systems ( Four Steps

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Urban transportation modeling systems consist of four steps: trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and traffic assigned. This project is only concerned with the third step, mode choice. Mode choice analysis allows a modeller to take the number of trips from the origin destination tables and determine the mode used. These modes can include, but are not limited to: automobile, bus, train, air, bicycling, or walking.

Mode choice analysis plays a very important part of the urban transportation modeling system. With accurate data, a good modeller can predict the type and amount of traffic flow in and out of various Traffic Analysis Zones. This allows cities and provinces to plan for the major transportation investment projects. These projects can include adding an extra lane to a busy roadway, or assigning a designated carpool lane. It can also include improvements and expansions to rail systems if high train use is predicted.

The analysis is also important to officials and policy makers. It allows city officials to plan transit service changes, decreasing or increasing service based on demand. It also allows policy maker to encourage more sustainable mode choices through pricing policy. By increasing or decreasing the fees associated with certain modes, such as auto transit, a traveler’s probability of using another mode, such as public transit, changes.

Methods of Analysis

Mode choice analysis is mainly influenced by human circumstances and

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