
Urinary Analysis Paper

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Emergency Department Urinary Tract Infection Screening in Febrile Children:
Reducing Catheterization Rates
Elisabeth Wolf
University of Nevada Las Vegas

Emergency Department Urinary Tract Infection Screening in Febrile Children:
Reducing Catheterization Rates
The purpose of this paper is to present an abbreviated critical appraisal of the article titled, Two-Step Process for ED (Emergency Department) UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Screening in Febrile Young Children: Reducing Catheterization Rates (Lavelle et al., 2016). This abbreviated appraisal addresses the following items: purpose/objective, problem/background, primary independent and dependent variables, literature review, procedures/methods, statistical tests and credibility, results/findings, conclusions, …show more content…

Urinary catheterizations are both invasive and traumatic to the pediatric patient and increase the risk of acquiring an infection. The automatic catheterization of children with suspected urinary tract infection is often unnecessary, as evidenced by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, which reported "of 63% of febrile children screened for
UTI by urethral catheterization; screens were positive in only a
small percentage of cases, with cultures positive in only 4.3%" (Lavelle et al., 2016). Thus, a disconnect occurs in the actual necessity for the catheterization process. A less invasive technique, as proposed by Lavelle et al.’s employment of the urinary bag to retrieve urine samples prior to catheterization, provides an opportunity for new protocol in ED screening that does not increase treatment time, and does not compromise correct detection of UTI

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