When an animal drinks water and eats food, the amount of sodium chloride and water put into the plasma of the blood can be either hypertonic, isotonic, or hypotonic to the homeostatic concentration of sodium chloride in the plasma, which is maintained around 280 to 300 mOsmols (Sherwood 2013). Once the solution has reached the plasma, it will equilibrate with the interstitial fluids, and then the intercellular fluids. To maintain this equilibrium, it is necessary to excrete excess salts and water from the body cells. The kidneys are the functional organs of the urinary system, and within the kidneys is the nephron, the functional unit that carries out the equilibration. The nephrons, through filtration, reabsorption, and secretion, produce the urine that is excreted by an animal. In order to maintain homeostatic levels, the hormones ADH, which is released in response to increased plasma osmolarity to increase water reabsorption, and ANF, which leads to decreased sodium reabsorption due to an increase in vascular volume, are released to regulate salt and water concentration in the body. In this experiment, students tested the effects of drinking solutions of salt water on the factors of urine output, sodium chloride output, sodium chloride concentration, and
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As for groups 2 and 3, there was a slight increase in NaCl output over time, with both lines peaking at the 120 minute trial. The control trial again stayed relatively constant, ending and starting at about the same value (Figure 4). The pure water trial did not end at the control value, but it did begin to decrease towards the control. Groups 2 and 3, however, continued to increase the entire length of the experiment, so the last value did not drop back towards the control
D2: Analyse the impact on the human body of dysfunctions in relation to water balance
Potassium works with sodium to regulate the body’s water balance. The kidneys help to control the blood pressure by controlling the amount of fluid stored in the body. Therefore, the more fluid then the higher the blood pressure is. The kidneys do this by filtering out the blood and extracting any extra fluid, which then is stored in the bladder as urine. This is done very delicately as both sodium and potassium pull the water across the wall of the cells from the bloodstream into a collecting channel that leads to the bladder. When eating to much salt, the amount of sodium in the bloodstream will be imbalanced compared to the amount of potassium and thus reducing the ability of the kidneys remove the extra fluid. Eating more fruit and vegetables, the potassium levels increase and can help restore the chemical imbalance. However, there is a possibility of too much potassium, also known as hyperkalemia, which can lead to other issues like renal failure.
The patient in “The Red Hat Hikers” scenario is suffering from hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is defined as a serum sodium level of less than 136mEq/L. Sodium is an electrolyte that is found predominately in the extracellular fluid, and it is the chief regulator of water in the body. Sodium is also important for muscle contraction, nerve impulses, acid-base balance and chemical reactions that occur inside the cell (McCance & Huether, 2014). Normal sodium levels in the body are maintained by the kidneys and the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal cortex at the completion of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and it helps stimulate the proximal tubules of the kidneys to reabsorb sodium and water. The anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) also indirectly affects sodium levels because it regulates water balance in the body (McCance & Huether, 2014).
In addition the nephron is divided into several segments. The Henie cell includes a special transporter called sodium-potassium-2, chloride contransporter (nkcc) that allows the kidney to produce urine ( The distal tubule cell help contain thiazide-sensitive sodium filtered by the kidney on a daily basis, and the collecting duct that have two cells responsible for acid base hemostasis. The alpha intercalated cell controls the excess of secretion and reabsorbing base (form of bicarbonates) and the beta intercalated cell which includes the same function (
The purpose of this virtual lab is to observe the acid-base balance in the urinary system by how PCO2 and blood pH affect the H+ and HCO3- in the urine. The renal compensation is a mechanism that shows the kidneys manage to change pH in correct way if the respiratory system is not healthy. The kidneys are two organs that help remove wastes and extra fluids out of the body. The acid-base balance is when the blood need to keep the balance of
Calista Wegner Pathophysiology HSC 212 01 July 3, 2015 Laboratory Test (1) Stool for Occult Blood Normal findings: A normal finding would be no occult blood in the stool sample provided by the patient. Explanation: A stool for occult blood test is used to determine if there is blood in the stool. Most times a patient cannot always see if blood is present in their stool so this test would be performed to rule out positive findings.
3. What would happen to the amount of H+ secreted into the renal tubule if the activity of the Na+ /K+
Using Table 1, the graph (Figure 1) is extrapolated, which shows the change of mass of the 1% NaCl solution over time. In this graph, a point, (15, -.3), goes below the x-axis showing a negative change in mass, this is due to the 1% solution in the normal cell reaching homeostasis. Whereas, Figure 2, shows the 25% chloride solution in the dialysis bag and its change in mass in grams over time in minutes shows an initial decrease, then gradual fluctuations showing subtle changes in masses. The point on the x-axis that shows zero means that there was no change in mass at that point as seen in Table
After passing through the esophagus, which absorbs much of the salt ions in the swallowed saltwater, and the gut the luminal fluid is isosmotic with the plasma. The intestines continue to absorb salt (sodium through chloride co-transport proteins and the chloride through the sodium co transport proteins and anion exchange protinis) which is followed by an uptake of water. More chloride is absorbed than sodium which creates an electrogradient in the cell (the cell being more positive and the plasma more negative). The anion exchanger intakes chloride all while excreting HCO3- into the intestinal lumen. The intestinal fluid is highly alkaline, high in HcO3- and high in calcium (from the environment), this allows for CaCo3 to be precipitated in the
Good afternoon Ms. Robinson. I heard you had difficulty understanding the results of your urinalysis report. I would be more than happy to assist you and help you decipher these terms. Specific gravity of a liquid or this case, urine, tells you how much more or less dense the liquid is than water and how efficiently your kidneys are diluting your urine.1 Your specific gravity was 1.024, which is a normal functioning level. Turbid is a term used to describe the clarity of urine. Urine clarity suggests substances that may be present in the urine.1 Your urine was classified as turbid, which has a cloudy, opaque appearance and suggests there may be a presence of protein or other
The purpose of this paper is to present an abbreviated critical appraisal of the article titled, Two-Step Process for ED (Emergency Department) UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Screening in Febrile Young Children: Reducing Catheterization Rates (Lavelle et al., 2016). This abbreviated appraisal addresses the following items: purpose/objective, problem/background, primary independent and dependent variables, literature review, procedures/methods, statistical tests and credibility, results/findings, conclusions,
Hypothesis: The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the question will different food sources affect the level of activity of detoxification enzymes in bean beetles? The class alternate hypothesis is different food sources will affect the level of activity of the detoxification enzymes in bean beetles. The null hypothesis is the different food sources will not have any effect on the level of activity of the detoxification enzymes in bean beetles. Experimental design: The independent variables in this experiment were the types of beans (bean 1 was mung beans and bean 2 was adzuki beans) and enzymes assays used.
The human body contains blood and fluid compounds and elements like chloride, phosphate, potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium known as electrolytes that occur naturally to control important physiologic functions. When the body levels of electrolytes are low (hypo) or high (hyper) it results in electrolyte disorder. Depending on the affected electrolyte(s), when body electrolytes are hyper (high) or hypo(low) it leads to electrolyte disorder, which in turn disrupts blood ionized salts balance ( Buttaro, et al., 2017). For instance, disruption of chloride leads to either hyperchloremia or hypochloremia, calcium (hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia ), Potassium (hyperkalemia or hypokalemia), Magnesium disruption
Haller, C. A., Jacob, P., & Benowitz, N. L. (2002). Pharmacology of ephedra alkaloids and