
Us Involvement In The Vietnam War Dbq

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The American involvement in the Vietnam War was a very controversial decision, with many people being for the war, however many people in the United States were also against the war. The Vietnam War was the longest lasting war in the United States history, before the Afghanistan War, in which most people felt strongly about, be them United States citizens, Vietnamese citizens, or just the global population. In order to better understand the ideas of those American citizens that are either for or against the war, one would have to look at the reasons that the United States was involved in the war, the impact of the Vietnam war on the American society, and the impact on the United States foreign policy. The first issue usually brought up when talking about the Vietnam war is the reasons the United States were involved in the war at …show more content…

George C. Herring had addressed one of the more major impact of the war on our foreign policy in “America and Vietnam: the Unending War,” and had stated that “... Success in the Gulf war no doubt raised the nation's confidence in its foreign policy leadership and it's military institutions…” (Document 9). This suggest that the United States foreign policy had at one point gotten somewhat stronger due to the effects of the war, however, Herring goes on to state that it had a negative effect on the nations inhibitions abroad. The U.S foreign policy also had changed because of the war when The United States ended the military draft and switched to an all-volunteer army, as well as when Congress passed the War Powers Resolution, which had set limits on presidential ability to send troops into combat without the consent from congress. This choice had showed the desire for the United States to not be involved in another war like the Vietnam war.

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